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    新华社“雪龙”号8月12日电(记者 璩静)中国第五次北极科学考察队在北冰洋大西洋扇区开展的综合调查已于当地时间11日结束。记者获悉,这次历时8天的科学考察将作业区拓展到北冰洋大西洋扇区的挪威海和格陵兰海,共完成2个断面16个站位的多学科综合科考任务,首次在水文大气、地质地球物理、海洋大气化学、海洋生物生态等多个学科领域获得大量关键数据和重要样品,在我国极地科考史上具有里程碑意义。

    The xinhua news agency“photo”On August 12-no.(Reporter Qu static)China's fifth arctic expedition in the arctic ocean science of comprehensive research on the Atlantic sector has local time, and end in November。The reporter learns,The last eight days of scientific survey will expand into the arctic ocean Atlantic sector assignments section of the Norwegian sea sea and Greenland,Were done two section 16 stance multidisciplinary integrated the task,For the first time in hydrological atmosphere、Geological geophysical、Marine atmospheric chemistry、Marine biological ecology, etc. Multiple disciplines acquire a large key data and important samples,In our country the polar expedition milestone in history。


    According to the fifth the arctic expedition's chief scientists MaDeYi introduced,The fifth the arctic expedition overcome cyclone caused the roughest sea first into the arctic ocean in severe Atlantic sector,In Norway, the new area of study integrated investigation,The key data and subsequent for sample analysis will make our country environment in the arctic climate change of research in the field of more comprehensive、System and further,To promote the polar science and technology and cause the great-leap-forward development。


    4 days,The fifth the arctic expedition in the Norwegian sea area the high seas success cloth China polar expedition history first a large air-sea coupling observation buoy system,This marked the independent research and development in our country the buoy observation and cloth technology into the profound sea for the first time at sea。According to introducing,As a modern deep ocean circulation of the starting point,Nordic sea is the arctic ocean and the Atlantic water exchange of important channel,The arctic ocean is one of the two main water inflow。And the Norwegian sea, it is an important part of the sea of northern Europe,Is considered to be“The arctic core out move”,It affects global ocean circulation and the northern hemisphere climate,Also is the key effect on our country's climate change waters。


    MaDeYi said,Through the cloth big buoy,Our country will get the atmospheric boundary and in the sea、Many important parameters of the top 20 of real-time data,Fill in the areas of the key in this a long time series weather、Atmospheric composition and hydrological data the blank,In upgrading our ocean and climate prediction、The ability of operational forecast,Improve our country in the arctic environment and global climate change and other key of research in the field of the level has important scientific research and application value。


    It is reported,Hydrology aspects,The expedition to the latest generation firstly realized the bottom of the ocean water directly observed and carried out the upper ocean turbulent mixed observation;Marine chemistry,Realize the upper section nitrate observation,The first to carry out comprehensive environmental pollutants and the source of the characteristics identification,Water samples collected more than 3000;The earth's physical aspects,For the first time, the mid-ocean ridge water depth、gravity、Magnetic force and structure in the investigation,And the survey of the regional crust thickness、Magnetic strength and fault form;Geological sampling aspects,Sampling rate reached 100%,The biggest gravity sampling sampling length of 4.6 m。In addition,The scientists also found that,The arctic ocean Atlantic sector upper Marine plankton community composition and the bering sea differences are significant,And biomass significantly higher than the arctic ocean to the Pacific sector,Among them the phytoplankton to miniature primarily,Zooplankton criterion with、Mainly small。
