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启丰二号驶回香港海域 7名保钓人士安全返港--亲稳舆论引导监测室


    Xinhua news agency on August 21, Hong Kong(Reporter WuZheng)“Rev. Abundant number two”21 at about 20 arrived in Hong Kong waters。The Hong Kong SAR government said in a statement,SAR chief executive and the SAR government in Hong Kong ships“Rev. Abundant number two”And seven name“The fishing”Safety return to Hong Kong people feel gratified。


    The SAR government spokesman said,Diaoyu islands since ancient times is the Chinese territory,Japanese custody including Hong Kong residents, it is illegal to Chinese citizens、invalid。


    Statement said,The SAR government has been paid close attention to the event,And in Hong Kong and foreign affairs (mfa office) was closely together。Immigration in 15 to send to Japan,In conjunction with economic and trade office in Tokyo personnel,Cooperate with China's embassies and consulates, personnel for authorities to provide all possible assistance。


    Carrying 14 people of Hong Kong the fishing boat“Rev. Abundant number two”On August 12, starting from Hong Kong to the diaoyu islands,Many members in 15 success an island declare sovereignty,Thereafter the ship all 14 people were Japanese illegal grab。The Chinese government on many occasions solemn representations and various efforts,Japan 17 FangHai unconditionally in the diaoyu island and its nearby sea area illegal grab all 14 Chinese personnel and ships。Seven people have in 17, return to Hong Kong by plane。

图表:钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿自古以来就是中国的固有领土。新华社记者 秦迎 编制

chart:Diaoyu island and its subsidiary island since ancient times is the immanent territory of China。Xinhua news agency reporters qin meet establishment

秦刚就日方决定“遣返”被抓扣的中国公民答记者问 Qin gang is Japanese decision“repatriation”Grab by Chinese citizens a reporter asked


    问:据报道,17日上午日本内阁会议决定以“违反出入境管理法”为由将此前抓扣的中国公民“遣返”。请问中方对此有何评论?  ask:According to the report,17 morning Japanese cabinet meeting decided to“Violation of entry and exit administration”On the previous will grab the Chinese citizens“repatriation”。How do you comment on that?


    答  a:中方在钓鱼岛问题上的立场是明确、坚定的。日方对中国公民采取的任何单方面举措都是非法和无效的。>>>>详细内容

:The Chinese side in the diaoyu islands on the question of the position is clear、firm。Japanese citizens in China to any unilateral action is illegal and invalid。> > > > details

外交部副部长再次敦促日方立即无条件放人放船 Vice foreign minister urged Japan again immediate and unconditional release put ship

    8月16日,外交部副部长张志军打电话给日本外务省常务副外长佐佐江贤一郎,再次就日本非法抓扣中国公民及船只提出严正交涉和抗议,敦促日方立即无条件放人放船,要求日方确保中方人员的人身安全、尊严和基本权利。 >>>>详细内容

    On August 16,,Vice foreign minister ZhangZhiJun call Japan's foreign ministry executive vice foreign minister kenichiro sasae,Japan again illegal grab Chinese citizens and put forward ships solemn representations and protest,Japan urged immediate and unconditional release put ship,The requirements to ensure the personal safety of the Chinese people、Dignity and basic rights。 > > > > details

被日方非法抓扣的首批7名中国公民顺利返回香港 By the illegal grab the first batch of the seven Chinese citizens the smooth return to Hong Kong

    新华社香港8月17日电(记者 林建杨 张天国)经中国政府多次严正交涉和多方努力,15日在钓鱼岛及其附近海域被日方非法抓扣的14名中国公民和所乘船只“启丰二号”已重获自由。北京时间17日19时50分许,首批7名中国公民搭乘香港航空公司航班飞抵香港国际机场,顺利返回香港。另外7名中方公民稍后将原船返回,中国海监船和香港特区海事船将前往接应。

    Xinhua in Hong Kong on August 17(Reporter LinJianYang ZhangTianGuo)The Chinese government on many occasions solemn representations and various efforts,15 on the diaoyu island and its nearby sea area by the illegal grab of 14 Chinese citizens and only by boat“Rev. Abundant number two”Already free。Beijing time 17 when xu 19 50 points,The first batch of the seven Chinese citizens take Hong Kong airlines flight to Hong Kong international airport,The smooth return to Hong Kong。In addition the seven Chinese citizens will later be the original ship return,China HaiJian ship and Hong Kong SAR maritime ship will travel to scoop out。


    The first return to Hong Kong seven name in Chinese citizens including two media reporters。Reporters saw at the airport,A large number of media in the arrival hall outside interview,Also have Hong Kong citizens take flowers to meet them。> > > > details
