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    图为陕西省府谷县河滨公园夜景(8月21日摄)。 The graph is shaanxi FuGuXian riverside park at night(On August 21 perturbation)。


    早在上世纪七八十年代,陕西省府谷县的小煤矿、小水泥、小电石、小焦化、小炼铁等“五小企业”崛起,形成了所谓“村村点火,沟沟冒烟”的原始发展模式,加之地处黄土高原,植被覆盖率较低,当地环境日趋恶化,曾被媒体热讽为“黑三角”。 As early as in the s and s of the last century,FuGuXian small coal mine of shaanxi province、Small cement、Small calcium carbide、Small coking、Small ironmaking, etc“Five small enterprise”rise,Formed the so-called“Village ignition,GouGou smoke”The original development pattern,And is located in the loess plateau,Vegetation coverage rate is relatively low,The local environment deterioration,Media has been hot for genius“Black triangle”。


    面对质疑,府谷县痛定思痛,先后关闭了552户污染企业,并累计投入12.6亿元进行污染治理,使工业废水、废气、废渣严格实现达标排放。同时吸引先进技术,改造提升传统产业,延长产业链条,走循环生产、清洁生产之路。其中,恒源煤焦电化有限公司、京府煤化有限公司等一批示范企业,坚持自主创新,破解技术难题,大力发展循环经济,提高产品附加值,将原料“吃干榨尽”,实现工业废渣、废气、废热的综合利用。 In the face of the question,FuGuXian recall a painful experience,Has shut down 552 pollution enterprise,And accumulated investment RMB 1.26 billion yuan in pollution control,Make industrial wastewater、Exhaust gas、Slag strictly reach drainage standard。At the same time attract advanced technology,Transform and promote the traditional industry,Extend the industrial chain,Walk cycle production、Cleaner production road。the,HengYuan coke electrochemical co., LTD、Beijing government incoalation co., LTD., and a number of demonstration enterprise,Adhere to the independent innovation,Crack technical problems,To develop circular economy,Improve the product added value,Materials will be“Eat dry bleed”,Realize industrial waste residue、Exhaust gas、The comprehensive utilization of waste heat。


    与此同时,府谷县深入开展以造林绿化为主的生态环境建设,并于2011年启动“五年植绿大行动”,提出五年内全县新造林80万亩、森林覆盖率达41%的总体任务。2012年,府谷县又启动“陕西北大门”绿化工程,以环县城绿化、环企绿化、环村绿化为重点,造林20万亩,建成一批生态公园、景区、企业和村庄。 meanwhile,FuGuXian deeply carry out afforestation is given priority to ecological environment construction,And in 2011 started“Five years planting green big action”,The article puts forward five years the county-wide new planting 800000 mu、Forest coverage rate of 41% of the overall mission。In 2012,,FuGuXian and start“Shaanxi north gate”Greening projects,To ring county afforestation、Ring to afforest、Ring village green as the focal point,Planting 200000 mu,Built a batch of ecological park、Scenic spot、Enterprise and villages。


    如今的府谷,以科学发展的理念走出了一条绿色发展之路,昔日的“黑三角”正在转变为经济发展潜力巨大的“金三角”和适宜人类居住的“绿三角”,以“黄河金三角、绿色新府州”的崭新面貌屹立于陕西之北,崛起于黄河之滨。 Today's mansion valley,With the scientific development concept walked out of a green development way,former“Black triangle”Is shifting for economic development potential“Golden triangle”And habitable“Green triangle”,to“Golden triangle of the Yellow River、Green new mansion state”The new features of the stands in the north of shaanxi province,Rise in the Yellow River shore。新华社记者 李鑫 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters LiXin perturbation


    8月22日,恒源煤焦电化有限公司的员工对由污水处理成的软化水进行水质化验。     August 22,HengYuan coke electrochemical co., LTD., employees of the sewage treatment into softened water carry on water quality to test。新华社记者 李鑫 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters LiXin perturbation


8月22日,府谷县林业局工人在环县城防护林绿化工程工地上作业。 August 22,FuGuXian forestry workers in the ring county shelter forest landscape engineering site operation。新华社记者 李鑫 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters LiXin perturbation


    陕西省府谷县境内的神府高速路两旁的荒山上在“五年植绿大行动”中覆盖上绿色植被(8月21日摄)。     Shaanxi province within the territory of the FuGuXian many on both sides of the highway in the barren hills“Five years planting green big action”The covered in green vegetation(On August 21 perturbation)。新华社记者 李鑫 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters LiXin perturbation


8月22日清晨,人们在府谷河滨景观绿化带中散步。 Early in the morning on August 22,,People in the house valley riverside landscape for a walk in the green belts。新华社记者 李鑫 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters LiXin perturbation


8月22日,京府煤化有限公司的工人在观看污水处理情况。 August 22,Beijing government incoalation co., LTD. Workers are watching sewage treatment。新华社记者 李鑫 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters LiXin perturbation


    8月22日,京府煤化有限公司工人收集炼炉中的镁渣用以生产免烧砖。     August 22,Beijing government incoalation co., LTD. Workers collect furnace of magnesium slag to production baking-free brick。新华社记者 李鑫 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters LiXin perturbation


    京府煤化有限公司产生过程中产生的煤气被管道输送到配套发电厂用于发电(8月22日摄)。     Beijing government incoalation co., LTD. Produces in the process of gas pipeline to be supporting power plant used for power generation(August 22 perturbation)。新华社记者 李鑫 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters LiXin perturbation
