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    院士专家在位于新疆库车县的天山神秘大峡谷进行考察调研(8月23日摄)。参加2012“天山南北院士行”活动生态旅游调研的10余位院士专家,于8月20日至25日赴新疆喀拉峻提名遗产地、库尔德宁提名遗产地、那拉提景区及巴音布鲁克景区等地,围绕新疆“生态旅游可持续发展”进行专题调研。调研组通过调研中国2013年世界自然遗产申报唯一项目“新疆天山”的部分提名地,以及新疆拟建的世界最大的干旱区植物园——新疆那拉提植物园两个生态旅游项目,将向国家提出申遗配套措施和加快建设干旱区植物园方案,为国家早日立项提供支撑,全面推动新疆旅游产业的发展。新华社记者 王菲 摄      Academician experts in xinjiang is located in the KuCheXian tianshan mysterious grand canyon investigation research(On August 23 perturbation)。To participate in the 2012“The north and the south tianshan academician line”The research of the ecological tourism activities more than 10 a academician experts,On August 20, to 25 to xinjiang kara completed heritage nomination、Kurdish better heritage nomination、Nalati scenic spots and scenic spots, such as land and sound brook,Around xinjiang“Ecological tourism sustainable development”Carry out special investigation。Through the investigation and study research group of China's 2013 world natural heritage declaration only project“Xinjiang tianshan”Part of the nomination,In xinjiang and proposed the world's largest arid botanical garden - xinjiang nalati botanical garden two ecological tourism projects,To the country put forward the "left supporting measures and speed up the construction of the arid region botanical garden plan,As the national project as soon as possible to provide support,Promote the development of the tourism industry in xinjiang。The xinhua news agency reporter wang fei perturbation 


    院士专家在位于新疆和静县的巴音布鲁克遗产展示中心考察(8月22日摄)。新华社记者 王菲 摄     Academician experts in xinjiang HeJingXian ba sound brooke heritage exhibition center investigation(August 22 perturbation)。The xinhua news agency reporter wang fei perturbation


    中国科学院院士朱道本(左)在新疆巴音布鲁克草原进行调研(8月23日摄)。新华社记者 王菲 摄     ZhuDaoBen academician of the Chinese academy of sciences(left)In xinjiang and sound brooke grassland carries on the investigation and study(On August 23 perturbation)。The xinhua news agency reporter wang fei perturbation
