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    在靖边县乔家湾乡境内,粉红色的荞麦花在朝霞映照下格外壮观迷人。远处是一台台风力发电机组(8月24日摄)。 初秋季节,在陕西省靖边县的农村,满山遍野的荞麦花、土豆花、向日葵花竞相绽放,山坡上风电叶轮迎风旋转,连片的塑料大棚、农民社区掩映在绿树花海之中——优美的自然风光,与高科技含量的现代农业和新型能源设施相互衬映,构成了一幅幅独特的塞上田园新景观。新华社记者 王颂 摄 In JingBianXian jstars bay township territory,Pink buckwheat flowers in the sunglow backdrop particularly spectacular charming。The distance is YiTaiTai wind generating set(August 24 perturbation)。 Early autumn season,JingBianXian in shaanxi province rural,The calling of buckwheat flowers、Potato flower、Sunflower flowers to bloom,Hillside windward electric impeller windward rotation,Where the plastic canopy、Farmers' community set in the ocean of green trees, beautiful natural scenery,And high-tech content of modern agriculture and the new energy facilities set off each other,Constitute the unique painting fortress rural new landscape。Xinhua news agency reporters WangSong perturbation



    在靖边县黄蒿界乡境内,一台大型移动式喷灌机组在对土豆实施灌溉。近处是地边的荞麦花(8月21日摄)。新华社记者 王颂 摄 In JingBianXian HuangHao boundary township territory,A large mobile sprinkler irrigation unit in the potato implement irrigation。Nearby is the rand buckwheat flowers(On August 21 perturbation)。Xinhua news agency reporters WangSong perturbation



    在靖边县席麻湾乡境内,一名农民在山坡上收割苜蓿(8月21日摄)。 新华社记者 王颂 摄 In JingBianXian mat hemp bay township territory,A farmer on the hillside of alfalfa harvest(On August 21 perturbation)。 Xinhua news agency reporters WangSong perturbation



    这是靖边县乔沟湾乡许台村一个新型农民社区。近处是河塘边的苇草(8月21日摄)。 新华社记者 王颂 摄 This is JingBianXian Joe ditch bay township make station village a new farmers community。The place is near the river WeiCao(On August 21 perturbation)。 Xinhua news agency reporters WangSong perturbation



    这是在靖边县黄蒿界乡境内拍摄的西瓜与向日葵套种的田园小景(8月21日摄)。 新华社记者 王颂 摄 This is the JingBianXian HuangHao bound within the territory of the township filming watermelon and sunflower interplant pastoral kei chan(On August 21 perturbation)。 Xinhua news agency reporters WangSong perturbation



    在靖边县乔沟湾乡境内,几台“大风车”矗立在绿丛花海间(8月21日摄)。 新华社记者 王颂 摄 In JingBianXian Joe ditch bay township territory,Several sets“Big pinwheel”Standing in the green plexus between the ocean(On August 21 perturbation)。 Xinhua news agency reporters WangSong perturbation



    在靖边县黄蒿界乡境内,一台大型移动式喷灌机组在对土豆实施灌溉(8月21日摄)。新华社记者 王颂 摄 In JingBianXian HuangHao boundary township territory,A large mobile sprinkler irrigation unit in the potato implement irrigation(On August 21 perturbation)。Xinhua news agency reporters WangSong perturbation
