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    柴达木循环经济试验区格尔木工业园内中浩60万吨天然气制甲醇生产基地(8月27日摄)。有着丰富资源的柴达木盆地,自国家批准成立循环经济试验区以来,形成了以油气化工工业、煤炭及煤化工产业为主的产业集群,其中天然气制甲醇项目成为亚洲最大的生产基地。柴达木循环经济试验区以资源禀赋优势为依托,以提高资源利用率和减少废物排放为核心,建设清洁生产企业、生态工业园区,实现经济发展与环境保护的双赢局面。新华社记者 王博 摄 For circular economy in CAI damu pilot golmud industrial park and hao 600000 tons methanol synthesis gas production base(August 27, perturbation)。Has the rich resources of the qaidam basin,Since the country was approved since the experimental area for circular economy,The formation of oil and gas in chemical industry、Coal and coal chemical industry industries of industry cluster,The natural gas to methanol project become Asia's largest production base。For circular economy in CAI damu pilot to endowment of resources based on advantages,In order to improve resource utilization efficiency and reduce emissions as the core,Construction of cleaner production enterprise、Ecological industrial park,Realize the economical development and the environmental protection win-win situation。Xinhua news agency reporters WangBo perturbation



      庆华集团在柴达木循环经济试验区乌兰工业园设立的煤化工工厂。该工厂位于一片湿地之中(8月16日摄)。新华社记者 王博 摄 QingHua group in the experimental area for circular economy in small industrial park of qaidam a coal chemical industry factory。The factory is located in a piece of wetland(August 16 perturbation)。Xinhua news agency reporters WangBo perturbation



    青海油田格尔木炼油厂的二氧化碳回收炉。该炉的二氧化碳回收率达到90%以上(8月27日摄)。新华社记者 王博 摄 Qinghai oilfield golmud refinery of carbon dioxide recycle furnace。The carbon dioxide recovery rate above 90%(August 27, perturbation)。Xinhua news agency reporters WangBo perturbation



    这是格尔木炼油厂30万吨天然气制甲醇生产装置。它实现了二氧化碳回收补碳和释放气回收重燃(8月27日摄)。新华社记者 王博 摄 This is golmud refinery 300000 tons methanol synthesis gas production unit。It realized the carbon dioxide recycle fill carbon and release gas recovery reignition(August 27, perturbation)。Xinhua news agency reporters WangBo perturbation
