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   9月5日,就读福建省晋江市第一中学高一五班的安徽籍外来工子女余贝贝(右)和湖南籍外来工子女张惠玲在课间交流学习。新学期开始,又一批外来务工人员子女在晋江市顺利升入高中阶段学习,截至目前,在晋江就读高中的外来工子女达2207人。晋江市是福建省民营经济发达地区,目前在这里的外来务工人员已超过100万,随迁就学的外来工子女达18万人。据了解,福建省教育厅决定从2014年起,凡在福建高中有3年完整学习经历的非户籍考生,可在福建就地报名参加普通高考,允许参加本科、专科层次录取,并与福建考生享受同等的录取政策。目前,外来务工人员相对集中的泉州、厦门、福州的一般高中学校已全部对随迁子女开放,泉州所有一级达标校、厦门和福州部分一级达标校也已对随迁子女开放。新华社记者 张国俊 摄 On September 5,,Studying in jinjiang city of fujian province for the first middle school class five high of more than AnHuiJi migrant worker children beibei(right)And HuNaJi migrant worker children ZhangHuiLing break in the exchange of learning.The new term began,And a number of migrant workers in jinjiang city children smoothly into high school learning,So far,In jinjiang attend high school children of migrant worker 2207 people.Jinjiang city of fujian province is the private economy developed areas,At present here has more than 1 million migrant workers,SuiQian school children of migrant worker 180000 people.It is understood,Fujian province education department decided to since 2014,And in fujian high school three years complete learning experience of the census register examinee,Can be in fujian in situ sign up for common the university entrance exam,Allowed to take part in undergraduate course/Admitted to college level,And with fujian examinee enjoy the same admission policy.At present,Migrant workers relative concentration of quanzhou/xiamen/Fuzhou general high school has all the SuiQian children open,Quanzhou all level of the school/Xiamen and fuzhou part level standard school has also SuiQian open to children.Xinhua news agency reporters ZhangGuoJun perturbation


    9月5日,就读于福建省晋江市第一中学高一五班的重庆籍外来工子女田伟(中)在课堂上回答老师的提问。     On September 5,,Studying in jinjiang city of fujian province for the first middle school class five high chongqing TianWei cadastral migrant worker children(in)In class to answer the teacher's question.新华社记者 张国俊 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters ZhangGuoJun perturbation


    9月5日,就读于福建省晋江市第一中学高一四班的重庆籍外来工子女张凌霄(前左一)在课堂上。     On September 5,,Studying in jinjiang city of fujian province for the first middle school class four high chongqing ZhangLingXiao cadastral migrant worker children(Front left a)In the classroom.新华社记者 张国俊 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters ZhangGuoJun perturbation
