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    2012年,格尔木市林业项目建设计划投资5500万元,格尔木市目前人工造林面积超过9万亩,生态环境建设及防沙治沙工作取得重要成果。这是青海省海西蒙古族藏族自治州格尔木市东郊的一片杨树林(2012年5月26日摄)。经历从农业文明到工业文明的历史进程,人类已经站在更高的文明台阶上——生态文明,这是当今世界又一次划时代的伟大变革。党的十六大以来,建设生态文明作为全面建设小康社会的一项新要求、新任务,正在引领中国走上一条生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路。新华社记者 张宏祥 摄      In 2012,,Geermu forestry projects planned investment of 55 million yuan RMB,Geermu at present artificial planting area of more than 90000 acres,Ecological environment construction and sand prevention and control work to accomplish an important result.This is the Mongolian haixi of qinghai province geermu Tibetan autonomous region east a piece of poplars(On May 26, 2012, perturbation).Experience from agriculture civilization to industrial civilization history,Human beings have stood at a higher civilization, ecological civilization on the steps,This is a landmark in the world today and the great change.Since the 16th CPC national congress,The construction of ecological civilization as the comprehensive construction affluent society's a new requirements/New task,China is leading to a production development/Affluent life/Good ecology civilization development road.Xinhua news agency reporters ZhangHongXiang perturbation 


    一位年轻人骑着自行车从北京市复兴门地铁站附近的公共单车服务站旁经过(2012年8月22日摄)。《北京市“十二五”时期交通发展建设规划》将“推进绿色交通体系建设”作为主要任务及重点项目之一。根据规划,相关机构将设置1000个左右自行车租赁点,形成5万辆以上租赁自行车规模。 新华社发(王全超 摄)     A young man riding a bicycle from the Beijing municipal sparkles with evening near the subway station public bike service station side after(August 22, 2012 perturbation).[Beijing"1025"The transportation development planning period]will"To promote green traffic system construction"As the main task and one of the key projects.According to the planning,Relevant organizations will set about 1000 bike rental point,Form 50000 or more cars rental bike scale. The xinhua news agency hair(WangQuanChao perturbation)


    位于内蒙古自治区扎兰屯境内的柴河景区保存着天然的、完整的寒温带森林和湿地生态系统,广袤无垠的森林和草场遥相呼应,生态环境十分优美。这是柴河景区内宁静的村庄(2012年7月29日摄)。新华社发(戴天放 摄)     Is located in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region zhalantun within the territory of the scenic spot of CAI kept natural/Complete cold temperate zone forest and wetland ecological system,So vast forests and grasslands echo each other at a distance,The ecological environment is very beautiful.This is the level in the quiet village(On July 29th, 2012 perturbation).The xinhua news agency hair(Wear day put perturbation)
