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    9月8日,观众在中共四大纪念馆内参观四大召开前后时期的照片和文档。当日,在上海市虹口区四川北路绿地内,刚刚开馆的中国共产党第四次全国代表大会纪念馆迎来了一批批观众。 中共四大于1925年1月11日至22日,在上海川公路东宝兴路间的一栋石库门内 (即今虹口区东宝兴路254弄28支弄8号)召开。因中共四大原址房屋在抗战中被日军炸毁,为弥补建国前在国内召开的党的六次全国代表大会中唯有四大没有建立正式纪念馆的遗憾,上海虹口区委、区政府在中共四大史料陈列馆基础上,结合四川北路绿地公园改造和原有辅助用房的属性调整,建立了中共四大纪念馆。 纪念馆总面积为3180平方米,分序厅、主展厅和“场景再现”等部分,通过照片、历史档案等展现了从“五四”运动到中国共产党成立,再到四大召开前后的一系列重要历史事件。新华社发(赖鑫琳 摄)   On September 8,,The audience in the party's four big memorial museum visit four before and after a period of photos and document.On that day,In the Shanghai hongkou district in north sichuan road green space,The communist party of China has just opened the fourth national congress of the memorial ushered in a large number of audience. The four more than January 11, 1925-22,Sichuan road in Shanghai east bohing between road a house in the bar (Is this the east bohing hongkou district road 254, lane and branch make no. 8)held.Because of the four major site of the houses in the Anti-Japanese War was the Japanese to blow up,In order to make up for in China before the founding of a party's six times the national congress of only four did not establish formal memorial regret,Shanghai hongkou district party committee/The district government in the party's four big based on historical data exhibition,Combined with sichuan road north park green space transformation and the original auxiliary attributes adjustment,The CPC established four memorial hall. Memorial hall covers an area of 3180 square meters,Points sequence hall/The main exhibition hall and"Scene representation"Part such as,Through the photos/Historical records show such as from"The May 4th"Sports to the founding of the communist party of China,To four before and after held a series of important historical events.The xinhua news agency hair(LaiXinLin perturbation)
