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四大节假日免收过路费 不包括元旦端午中秋--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  重大节假日免收小型客车通行费实施方案发布 Major holidays from small buses toll released implementation plan


       Major holidays from small buses toll has been the implementation plan approved by the state council,2, the official launch。Scheme points out that,Free range for the Spring Festival transportation of time、Tomb-sweeping day、Labor day、The National Day and so on four national legal holidays,And in those days the general office of the state council determine the above documents of the statutory holidays even take days。Freeware password toll roads scope includes the toll road(Including charge Bridges and tunnels),The airports highway whether the free pass,By each province(area、city)People's government decided to。

四大节假日免收过路费 不包括元旦端午中秋 四法定节假日小客车通行免费 Four statutory holidays passenger traffic for free
  《重大节假日免收小型客车通行费实施方案》由交通运输部、发改委、财政部、监察部、国务院纠风办制定,已经国务院批准。在免费通行时间方面,包括春节、清明节、劳动节、国庆节等四个重要节假日,但不包括元旦、端午节和中秋节。免费时段从节假日第一天00∶00开始,节假日最后一天24∶00结束(普通公路以车辆通过收费站收费车道的时间为准,高速公路以车辆驶离出口收费车道的时间为准)。免费通行的车辆范围为行驶收费公路的7 座以下(含7座)载客车辆,包括允许在普通收费公路行驶的摩托车。

《Major holidays from small buses toll plan》Transportation ministry unit by、The national development and reform commission、The Treasury、The ministry、JiuFengBan formulated under the state council,Has been approved by the state council。In the free passage of time,Including the Spring Festival、Tomb-sweeping day、Labor day、Four important National Day holiday,But not including New Year's day、The Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn festival。Free from the first day holiday period in, 00 began,Holiday is the last day 24:00 over(Ordinary vehicles through the toll road to charge the driveway time shall prevail,Highway with car pulled away from export charges lane time shall prevail)。Free of traffic vehicle driving range for toll roads which less than 7(Contain 7 a)Passenger vehicles,In ordinary charges including allow highway motorcycle。


The airport is free high speed by each province since decide


Implementation plan also pointed out,Freeware password toll roads for with range《The highway law of the People's Republic of China》and《Toll road management regulations》provisions,Approved according to law for setting toll roads(Including charge Bridges and tunnels)。The airports highway whether the free pass,By each province(area、city)People's government decided to。


Calls for,Transportation departments of local governments at various levels and the toll road management unit to comprehensive analysis the jurisdiction of highway toll in operation management,Especially traffic congestion and other related information,Urge tollbooth enact and perfect major holidays emergency emergency plan。Once appear emergencies,To quickly start emergency response,Take timely targeted measures,To ensure the normal operation and vehicles toll orderly to traffic。

  机场高速是否免费由地方政府决定, 或为保障机场线畅通不实施免费

Airport express free or for the local government decisions, Or to protect the airport line unimpeded not to carry out free


Guangzhou airport highway:Once free quite a blow


Scheme provisions:“The airports highway whether the free pass,By each province(area、city)People's government decided to。”This means that,Airport express does not belong to must be in four statutory holidays to carry out free traffic toll roads range。


The airport expressway to make the difference regulations,The personage inside course of study thinks,This is based on the particularity of the airport expressway consideration,Because of the airport expressway degree unobstructed directly determine the citizens of civil aviation travel,And to and from the airport the stream of people of holidays especially,Ensure the unobstructed airport expressway than to ensure other routes unobstructed is more important。

  “机场高速最好不要免费! ”不少网友提出一个反例想证明机场高速“还是收费好”。这个反例就是北京首都机场高速。自去年7 月起,首都机场高速将往机场方向收费将至5元,进京方向实施全免费放行,最终导致堵车严重,高速路变成了“龟速路”。

“Airport express had better not free! ”Many netizens put forward an example to prove the airport high speed“Still charge good”。This example is the Beijing capital airport high speed。Since last July,The capital airport express will go to the airport direction to charge will be 5 yuan,Implementation of the whole free release besides direction,Eventually lead to serious traffic jam,Expressway into“Slowly road”。


According to the data reported previously,The capital airport express cancel after fees,Originally expected traffic will be increased by 15% to 20%,But the actual after for free,But increased by 40%,Increased nearly 60000 train every day。so,The owner though save money,But to spend time in the way of the double。

  记者2日致电广州机场高速公路营运管理公司,该公司一工作人员明确表示不支持免费通行, “由于国务院的规定中将机场高速节假日是否免费的权力留给了省政府,因此机场高速是否免费还有待通知,而一旦实施,对于机场高速将是一个不小的打击。”

Reporter 2, call guangzhou airport highway operation and management company,The company a staff made clear it will not support free to traffic, “Due to the provisions of the state council will airport express whether the power of the free holidays to the provincial government,So whether the airport expressway free remains to be notice,And once the implementation,For the airport expressway will be a blow。”



  广州收费公路公司普遍“鸭梨山大” 盼望“政府补助”

Guangzhou turnpike companies generally“Ya pear shandong” hope“The government subsidies”

  广州各条收费公路7座以下客车占整体交通流量比例超过50%,一年四节近20天的免费放行对收费公路的业绩影响有多大? 2日,接受羊城晚报记者采访的多位收费公路负责人表示,具体损失目前尚不便作出评估,但正式文件下发后他们将严格执行。

Guangzhou toll roads under various 7 a passenger cars accounted for more than 50% overall traffic flow,In the fourth quarter of a nearly 20 days of free release of toll highways how much impact performance? 2 days,Accept the yangcheng evening news reporters head says more than the toll roads,The specific loss is still the inconvenience evaluation,But the official document issued after they are strictly implemented。


Free make too suddenly,The common very pessimistic


Guangzhou as the well known ShouFeiLu have south China fast、Airport express、North ring high-speed、Nansha port fast、Huangpu bridge、West road、GuangHe high-speed、North road, etc,In addition to the outside of south China rapid article seven toll roads are the owner of the unit delivers group in guangzhou。Trading group of reporters,Has learned that the state council ratified《Major holidays from small buses toll plan》news,Trading group and its subordinate toll road management company will strictly implement the idea and the government's instructions。As for cancellation fee whether holiday after ShouFeiLu bring various operating pressure,Trading group said on evaluating inconvenience。


North ring a high-speed head says,At present north ring transport has close to capacity,If major holidays free release will surely increase road burden,How to deal with,They will be next。The person in charge of the nansha port fast it is more pessimistic,He said,“Now according to the flow of traffic,The nansha port high-speed close not back to investment is certain,Again a bit less expenses also"irrelevant"the”。


What is expected of investment suzhou-taicang-kunshan highway said,Due to the riverside haven't expected all breakthrough,Traffic every day is less than all vehicles,Cars and trucks account for about half of all,So the plan implementation is expected to suzhou-taicang-kunshan highway at present little impact。

  华南快速管理中心负责人则表示,还没有收到相关的消息,更别说“计算损失”。该负责人告诉记者,从目前的情况看,节假日由于少了运输车流和上下班车流,通行华快的车辆反而比平时要少,一旦取消收费,车流量预计会出现变化, 但具体怎么变,现在还说不准。

South China fast management center director, said,Haven't received related news,Let alone“Calculation loss”。The official told reporters,From the present situation look,Holidays because less traffic flow and traffic transportation to and from work,China's vehicle traffic fast instead less than usual,Once the cancellation fees,Traffic is expected to appear changes, But the specific how to change,Now we are。


Highway heavy debt,Want the government to aid


An anonymous highway company officials disclosed,Every year in 20 days of free release period calculation,The income of the toll road losses will account for about 5% of the annual income,This is not very optimistic for the current state of operation and not for good news。“Implementation scheme did not put forward to the toll road for the corresponding subsidies,This is a blow to us。Want the government to come on stage assistance measures。”

  据了解,高速公路行业背负巨额债务,连年亏损的情况在全国都很普遍,广州也不例外。以华快为例,今年6月份, 一纸降价令将华快收费标准大幅下调,部分区间收费标准下降五成甚至六成, 华快公司当即声明, 此举让华快的经营面临巨大压力, “无法在剩余的经营期内回收投资和偿还银行的债务及获得合理的回报”。

According to understand,Highway industry bear huge amounts of debt,Years of losses in the national are very common,Guangzhou is no exception。To China for example fast,In June this year, A paper that will China price fast charging standard slashed,Part of the interval fee standards fell by fifty percent or even sixty percent, China quickly at the company statement, This let China facing huge pressure of business quickly, “Not in the rest of the business investment recovery period and to repay bank debt and gain reasonable rewards”。

  记者粗略估算,按照去年车流数据,华快较繁忙的收费站如太和站,国庆期间日均车流量近4万车次,如果以这一车流量以及每车10元为收费标准, 华快一年20 天节假日的收益高达800 万元。也就是说, 一旦实施四节免费放行, 华快每年将损失800万元。

Reporter roughly calculated,Traffic data to last year,China is busy as fast toll taihe station,During the National Day on nearly 40000 train traffic,If the car traffic and every 10 dollars for charging standards, China almost a year 20 days holiday earnings is as high as 8 million yuan。That is, Once the implementation of four sections free release, China fast every year will loss 8 million yuan。


Yang cheng evening news reporter LvNanFang

四大节假日免收过路费 不包括元旦端午中秋   清明节小长假的最后一天,广西南宁市迎来车流返程高峰,大批车辆在各个进城公路收费站排队进城 新华社发 Tomb-sweeping day small holiday at the end of the day,Guangxi nanning in travel peak traffic,A large number of vehicles in each city highway toll xinhua news agency hair line into the city


车主说法:自驾成本将省一半 Owners saying:Drive cost will save half


Heard that major holidays freeware password to come,The owner say this is a said good news。Guangzhou owner Mr. Li said,This is really a nice thing。His family in the golden week like belt drive out tourism,Every time FeiLi traffic,Toll fee accounted for about half。For example a trip to zhanjiang,travel、Oil FeiDeHua 7800 yuan,Among them is toll fee I yuan。


Their hometown in the media have Mr. Chen said meizhou,If the qc expenses,Transportation costs can save half,Not only will the golden week after many back,And more ZhongDuanTu ZiJiaYou choice。“Save now the toll fee,Can play some more places along the way。”He said,Several friends heard the news,National Day of this year is planning to organize a carpooling outings。


省交通厅:将会制定具体措施 Province communications department:Will formulate concrete measures

  “尚未接到关于方案的任何通知。按照流程,国务院的通知将先发到省政府, 再由省政府下发”,2日下午,广东省交通运输厅有关负责人表示,等方案下发后,相信会制定一个具体的实施措施。

“Yet to receive any notice about the scheme。According to the process,The notice of the state council will go to the provincial government, Again by the provincial government distributed”,2 days afternoon,Guangdong transportation hall about chief said,Program after issued,Believe will make a specific implementation measures。

  近年来,包括山东、河北等多个省份已经在试行春节期间分时段免费通行的措施,受到社会各界广泛好评。而广东方面,也有出台相关措施,比如当收费站开足全部收费通道后,收费广场仍出现严重堵塞达平均200 米以上时,对车辆实施间歇性免费放行。

In recent years,Including shandong、Hebei provinces have during the Spring Festival in the implementation of period of time of the free passage of the measure,By the social all circles of high praise。And in guangdong,Also have to publish relevant measures,Such as when a toll charges after all running at channel,The toll plaza still appear serious jam up to an average of 200 meters,Implementation of vehicle intermittent free release。




三问 q


ask:Free time on the middle end?

  方案规定,免费时段从节假日第一天00∶00开始,节假日最后一天24∶00结束(普通公路以车辆通过收费站收费车道的时间为准, 高速公路以车辆驶离出口收费车道的时间为准)。

Scheme provisions,Free from the first day holiday period in, 00 began,Holiday is the last day 24:00 over(Ordinary vehicles through the toll road to charge the driveway time shall prevail, Highway with car pulled away from export charges lane time shall prevail)。

  广州车主陈先生就提出疑问:“如果我开车在高速公路上走到半路,免费时段刚好结束,该怎么收费?如果车主手中又没有卡,岂非成了逃费,要收全程的费用? ”

Guangzhou owner Mr. Chen is unquestioned:“If I drive on the highway on the middle,Free time just ended,How to charge?If the owner hands and no card,It became fled fee,Want to collect the fee? ”


Guangdong transportation hall the sources said,Should not appear this kind of situation。Because the ordinary highway toll roads,Is an open road,Don't need to use the card,When the owner in free time finished before through the toll booth fee channel,Is bound to pay for it。And highway,No matter the charges,At the entrance to send card、Export charge card,So even if free time is still not over from export charges the driveway,Also only accept from entry to export the truckers just。


q:Why New Year's day dragon boat unavoidable toll Mid-Autumn festival?


Plan only stipulate the four national legal holidays,And in those days the general office of the state council determine the above documents of the statutory holidays even take days,Is free the passage of time。And for our country with the Dragon Boat Festival holiday、The Mid-Autumn festival and New Year's day,Not included in the inside。this,Many owners said,Dragon Boat Festival、The Mid-Autumn festival is the Chinese traditional festivals,And like Spring Festival in exquisite family reunion,Travel should be many,Why not in the list of free?


this,There is a traffic people speculate,Are not listed in,Probably because the Dragon Boat Festival、The Mid-Autumn festival and New Year's day the three holiday time is not long,Traffic flow pressure is far from the Spring Festival、Tomb-sweeping day、Labor day、The National Day big。


q:Freeware password will no more cause traffic congestion?

  不少车主在高兴之余,也有些担心:免费通行了,肯定会刺激更多车辆出行,到时道路会不会更加拥堵?还有车主表示,由于免费的只是7 座以下(含7 座)载客车辆,大巴和货车并不在免费之列,到时在收费站,免费和不免费的车辆混在一起排队过收费站, 岂非与免费之前区别不大?

Many owners in happy remaining,Also some worry:Practiced for free,Will stimulate more vehicles travel,There will more road congestion?And the owner says,Because of just under a free 7(Contain 7 a)Passenger vehicles,The bus and truck is not in the list of free,Then toll in,Free and not free vehicle mix in a toll queue together, It is not much different from before and free?

  对此,有交通人士表示,免收通行费,的确有可能增加出行量,有关部门需要研究一套有效的方案,以应对有可能出现的车流增加。各地在制定具体实施方案时, 要合理规划和利用现有收费车道和免费专用通道,确保过往车辆分类分车道有序通行。也就是说,收费车和免费车要分开放行。

this,There is a traffic participants say,toll-free,Do have may increase of travel,The relevant departments need to study a set of effective solutions,In response to a possible increase traffic。Everywhere in formulate concrete implementation solutions, Be reasonable planning and use existing charging lanes and free special channel,Ensure that vehicles classification points lanes and orderly to traffic。That is,Car and free charge the car to a separate release。
