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江苏:高速公路按时免费 多项措施保畅通--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

江苏:高速公路按时免费 多项措施保畅通

    9月30日零点过后,一辆使用ETC卡的轿车从沪宁高速公路南京收费站ETC(即不停车收费系统)通道开过时,电子屏幕上显示的收费金额为零。当日起,全国高速公路在中秋、国庆节日期间首次对7座以下客车免费。30日零点,江苏各收费公路(含独立收费大桥、长江隧道和机场高速公路)按时开始执行小车免费通行方案。有关部门采取多项保障措施,制订应急预案,避免可能出现的车流拥堵,力保畅通。其中包括在收费站开设免费通道,站前设置引导指示牌;发生严重拥堵时,将发布信息提前分流;如收费站前车辆排队超过200米,将对大货车、大客车等所有车辆全部免费放行。长假期间,全省高速公路交巡警将全部放弃休息,坚守岗位,各市公安局交巡警支队将抽调50%的机关警力增援高速公路。新华社记者 孙参 摄       On September 30th after zero,A car use ETC card car from huning highway toll station of nanjing ETC(That is no parking charge system)Channel open out,Electronic screen charging amount is zero.The date,The national highway in the Mid-Autumn festival/National Day during the festival for seven for the first time under a free bus.30 zero,Jiangsu the toll road(Including independent charge bridge/The Yangtze river tunnel and the airport highway)Time to start execution car toll free scheme.The relevant departments to take a number of security measures,Formulate emergency plan,To avoid possible traffic jams,Kept clear.Including the Toll Gate open free channel,Station set guide plate;When serious congestion,Will release information in advance shunt;Such as charging station vehicle line more than 200 meters,To trucks/Bus, all vehicles all free release.During the long holiday,The province highway JiaoXunJing will all give up the rest,Hold position,Municipal public security bureau JiaoXunJing team will transfer 50% of the authority police reinforcements highway.Xinhua news agency reporters SunCan perturbation  

江苏:高速公路按时免费 多项措施保畅通

     9月30日零点过后,沪宁高速公路南京收费站增派的工作人员在收费亭外向免费车司机收卡,以便其快速通过。新华社记者 孙参 摄      On September 30th after zero,Huning highway toll station of nanjing additional staff in the toll booth outgoing free car driver charge card,In order for them to rush through.Xinhua news agency reporters SunCan perturbation
