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    10月5日,西湖景区志愿者在苏堤入口处向游客分发馒头。从9月30日到10月7日,西湖景区花港管理处的志愿者们每天中午11点30分开始在苏堤春晓微笑分发500个馒头。除了分发馒头,微笑亭还为游客们准备了地图、针线包、创可贴等,目前仍有免费凉茶供应。据介绍,西湖风景名胜区花港管理处目前共设苏提春晓、柳浪闻莺、曲院风荷、雷峰夕照4个微笑亭及6个流动服务站,注册志愿者4000多个。今后,免费馒头将在春秋旅游旺季进行派发,并逐渐扩展到全年。 新华社记者 黄宗治 摄     On October 5,,The west lake scenic area volunteers in the su causeway to tourists at the entrance to the distribution of steamed bread.From September 30, to October 7,,The west lake scenic area flower administration volunteers at noon every day 11 PM start in chunxiao su causeway smile pavilion distribute 500 steamed bread.In addition to distribute steamed bread,Smile pavilion for visitors to the map/Sewing kit/Band-aid, etc,At present there are still free cool tea supply.According to introducing,The west lake scenic area management office of flower at present a total Sue chunxiao extraction/Orioles singing/Song yuan prescribed by ritual law/World afterglow four smile pavilion and six flow service station,More than 4000 registered volunteers.In the future,Free steamed bread will be in the spring and autumn period and the tourist season for distributing,And gradually extended to all the year round. Xinhua news agency reporters HuangZongZhi perturbation


    10月5日,游客在西湖景区苏堤入口处的微笑亭自取凉茶。新华社记者 黄宗治 摄     On October 5,,Tourists in the west lake scenic area at the entrance to the su smile pavilion himself cool tea.Xinhua news agency reporters HuangZongZhi perturbation


    10月5日,西湖景区花港管理处的工作人员将刚出炉的馒头运至分发处。新华社记者 黄宗治 摄     On October 5,,The west lake scenic area management office staff will flower of fresh from the oven steamed bread shipped to the distribution of place.Xinhua news agency reporters HuangZongZhi perturbation
