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    在第八届中国国际动漫节上,一名装扮成小丑的司机驾驶动漫彩车巡游(2012年4月29日摄)。有“动漫之城”美誉的杭州,目前共拥有2个国家级动画产业基地和3个国家级动画教学基地,其中杭州高新(滨江)国家动画产业基地2010年被评为全国唯一的最佳动画产业基地。目前,全市共有在册动漫企业200多家,从业人员超过2万人,经过近7年的发展、积累,杭州动漫产业已从无到有,从小到大,并创下了多项“全国第一”。“发挥集聚效应、形成产业高地、推动转型升级……”近年来,文化产业园区在全国各地如雨后春笋般迅速发展,成为推动文化产业发展、落实文化产业扶持政策的重要载体。在北京、山西、湖北、江苏、浙江等地,一大批优秀的文化产业园区产业集聚效应明显,在经济和社会领域产生综合效益,书写了文化产业腾飞的新篇章。新华社发(李忠 摄)      In the 8th China international animation festival,A man dressed as a clown driver driving anime float cruise(April 29, 2012 perturbation).have"Cartoon city"Reputation hangzhou,At present it has two national animation industry base and three national animation teaching base,The hangzhou high-tech(binjiang)National animation industry base in 2010 was named the national only the best animation industry base.At present,The city has listed animation enterprise than 200,Employees more than 20000 people,After nearly seven years of development/accumulation,Hangzhou cartoon industry already start from scratch,size,And a multiple"The first"."Play accumulative effect/Formed industrial high/To promote the transformation and upgrading of..."In recent years,The cultural industry park in all parts of the country were springing up rapid development,To promote the development of cultural industry/Implement the cultural industry as an important carrier of the support policy.In Beijing/shanxi/hubei/jiangsu/Zhejiang, etc,A large number of outstanding cultural industrial park industrial agglomeration effect obviously,In the economic and social fields produce comprehensive benefit,Writing the cultural industry to the development of a new chapter.The xinhua news agency hair(LiZhong perturbation) 


    位于杭州市高新区(滨江)白马湖生态创意城的动漫广场会展中心外景(2012年3月6日摄)。新华社发(李忠 摄)     Located in hangzhou high-tech zone(binjiang)White horse lake ecological creative city anime plaza exhibition center on location(March 6, 2012, perturbation).The xinhua news agency hair(LiZhong perturbation)


    10月9日,在国家动漫产业园园区,好传文化传播有限公司的工作人员在创作动画短片。新华社 发     On October 9,,In the national animation industrial park park,Good preach culture communication co., LTD., staff in the creation animation short film.The xinhua news agency hair


    2012年10月3日,游客在北京798艺术区游览。作为由老工厂转型为国际著名文化创意产业园区的成功案例,北京798艺术区同北京CBD国际传媒产业集聚区、中关村软件园等一道成为具有世界影响力的文化创意产业集聚区。作为全国文化中心,北京市文化创意产业近年来异军突起,已成为首都经济重要支柱产业。新华社发(李文明 摄)     On October 3, 2012,Tourists in Beijing 798 art district tour.As the old factory transformation for the international famous cultural creative industry park of successful cases,Beijing 798 art district of Beijing CBD with international media industry cluster area/Zhongguancun software park, etc a become a world influential cultural creative industry gathering area.As the national cultural center,The rise of the cultural and creative industries in recent years,The capital economy has become an important pillar industry.The xinhua news agency hair(LiWenMing perturbation)
