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    为期三天的“你好,余杭”——世界知名摄影家余杭活动结束。三天里,由区委宣传部邀请的来自世界各地的15位知名摄影家及香港主流媒体记者沉醉于余杭深厚的人文和优美的山水之中,用镜头述说着他们对余杭的认知和喜爱。区委常委、宣传部长王姝对摄影家的到来表示欢迎。     Three days of"hello,yuhang"-- the world famous photographers take yuhang activity came to an end.Three days,The district party committee propaganda department invited 15 from all over the world famous photographers and Hong Kong mainstream media reporters to indulge in yuhang profound humanities and beautiful landscape of,Use lens declare to their yuhang cognitive and loved.District party committee standing committee/The minister of propaganda to photographers WangShu welcome.


图为摄影家们正在创作拍摄 The photographers were is creation shooting


图为摄影家们正在创作拍摄 The photographers were is creation shooting

    此次世界知名摄影家拍余杭活动由国际摄影家联盟主席、奥地利超级摄影巡回展评委马诺里斯领衔,其余的摄影家均为国际摄影家联盟会员。奥地利超级摄影巡回展评委(简称“奥赛”)创建于1992年,是世界上规模最大、水平最高的国际摄影沙龙。     The world famous photographers take yuhang activities by the international photographers union chairman/Austria super photography exhibition of the judges horse Norris head the list,The rest of the photographers are international photographers union members.Austria super photography exhibition of the judges(Referred to as"orsay")Founded in 1992,Is the world's largest/The highest level of international photography salon.

    在三天的创作拍摄活动中,摄影家们徜徉在塘栖古镇的韵味里,折服于良渚文化的奇妙中,陶醉于西溪湿地的美丽下,沉醉于径山山水的翠绿中。摄影家们丝毫不吝惜手中的快门,把他们眼中的余杭定格成一幅幅精美的画面。     In the three days of creation in the filming activities,Photographers were roaming in tangxi town in the lasting appeal,Liangzhu culture marvelled at the wonderful,Drinking in the beauty of xixi wetland next,To indulge in jingshan mountains and rivers in the green.Photographers were no grudge the hands of the shutter,Put them in the eyes of yuhang frames into painting beautiful picture.

    在欢迎仪式上,王姝表示,生活在余杭这方水土的人,真切地感受到一种幸福。这种幸福的感觉,即来自物质富裕的经济基础,也来自精神富有的心灵感受。这次,余杭区邀请各位世界知名摄影家和记者来余杭,和我们一起感受和分享余杭的美,也希望通过大家的镜头和笔,向全世界更多的朋友展示余杭的美。     At a welcoming ceremony,WangShu said,Living in yuhang in terms of soil and water conservation,Really feel a kind of happiness.This kind of happy feeling,That is from the economic foundation of material prosperity,Also comes from spirit rich heart feeling.the,Yuhang district invited all the world famous photographers and reporters to yuhang,And together we feel and share the beauty of yuhang,Also hope that through everybody's lens and pen,To the world more friends show yuhang beauty.


图为余杭常委宣传部长王姝(右)向来宾赠送玉琮。 The standing committee WangShu yuhang propaganda minister(right)To the guests present unto the jade.

    马诺里斯表示,余杭之行让摄影家们很震惊、很欣喜,这里有古老的文化、友善的人民、美丽的风景、丰富的美食和发达的经济,每到一处都可以拍到独特的画面,每一处风景都可以成为一张的照片,不虚此行。(通讯员 周锋)     The horse Norris said,Yuhang trip let photographers were shocked/Very happy,There are ancient culture/Of friendly people/Beautiful scenery/Rich food and developed economy,Every one place can be photographed unique picture,Each place scenery can become a piece of photos,Regret it.(Correspondent ZhouFeng)
