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    农场工人在查看木瓜长势(10月26日摄)。史庆章是2011年到广西钦州创业的台湾人,在得知钦南区台湾农民创业园获准设立的消息后,他第一时间进入了创业园。“我引进的都是台湾高产、优质的成熟品种,一年四季都可以结果。”史庆章说。目前他的农场已引进、种植香水柠檬、莲雾、树梅等40多种产品,已经上市的九品香莲、凤梨等得到了各方的好评。史庆章的农场现已发展到1800多亩,主打凤梨、柠檬,今年年底总产量将达到300万斤。“创业园设立之后,各级政府出台了多项优惠政策,这更加有利于台湾农民到钦南区来创业了。”史庆章信心满怀地说。除史庆章创办的钦台农生态休闲农业公司外,目前已进入广西钦州市台湾农民创业园的台资企业还有鸿霖安农林科技公司、五祥种猪场农业企业,预计全年总产值达2.4亿元;正在洽谈进驻的企业有计划投资4.1亿元的钦州名龟养殖休闲园和计划投资19亿元的广西北部湾(钦州)国际花卉产业园。新华社记者 周华 摄     Farm workers in the view looks like the papaya(Taken on October 26,).ShiQingZhang is 2011 to guangxi qinzhou venture of the people in Taiwan,In that QinNaOu Taiwan farmers pioneer park approved to be established after the news,He first time into the pioneer park."I introduce is Taiwan high yield/The high quality maturity varieties,All the year round can result."ShiQingZhang said.Now his farm has introduced/Planting perfume lemon/wax-apple/Tree May 40 many products,Has listed do sweet lotus/Pineapple and get the praise of all parties.ShiQingZhang farm has developed to more than 1800 mu,Main pineapple/lemon,By the end of this year, total output will reach 3 million jins."Pioneer park after establishment,At all levels of government introduced a number of preferential policies,This more conducive to Taiwan farmers to the QinNaOu to start a business."ShiQingZhang confident to say.In addition to ShiQingZhang founded qin TaiNong ecological leisure agriculture outside the company,At present already entering guangxi QinZhouShi Taiwan farmers pioneer park of taiwan-funded enterprises and the agriculture and forestry science and technology company, showers/Five auspicious breeding pig farm agricultural enterprises,Throughout the year is expected to total output value reached 240 million yuan;Under negotiation in enterprise planned investment of 410 million yuan of qinzhou name turtle breeding XiuXianYuan and plans to invest 1.9 billion yuan of guangxi beibu gulf(qinzhou)International flowers industrial park.Xinhua news agency reporters ZhouHua perturbation


史庆章(左)在和工人商量凤梨的护理(10月26日摄)。新华社记者 周华 摄 ShiQingZhang(left)Workers in and to discuss the nursing of pineapple(Taken on October 26,).Xinhua news agency reporters ZhouHua perturbation
