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    这是四川地震灾后恢复重建的九寨沟至黄龙公路(2010年3月摄)。不沿边、不靠海,盆周全是崇山峻岭,千百年来,四川特殊的地理位置让人们一直感叹“蜀道难,难于上青天”。2007年底,四川省作出建设西部综合交通枢纽的重大决策,下定决心要变“蜀道难”为“蜀道通”,要变全国路网的“西部终端”为“西部中枢”。为此,四川省交通系统近年来坚持把扩大投资、加快发展作为首要任务,全省高速公路建设不断取得历史性突破:5年来,全省累计开工建设高速公路项目42个,总里程3887公里,总投资规模3107亿元,均位居全国前列。广陕高速、达陕高速……一条条新建成的高速公路越高山,跨大江,从四川盆地一路奔向省外。目前,四川全省高速公路通车总里程已达3760公里,建成和在建总规模突破6500公里;高速公路进出川大通道累计建成9条、在建11条;除重庆方向外,更新增陕西、贵州、甘肃、云南等方向,高速公路主体骨架正加速形成。据悉,2012年年底四川全省高速公路通车里程将突破4000公里,2013年将突破5000公里,2015年将超过6350公里。同时确保同步打通18条进出川大通道,基本建成全省高速公路网。通江达海,大道出川,川人世代期盼的“蜀道难”变“蜀道通”的梦想正成为现实。 新华社发     This food is a sichuan recover from recovery reconstruction of jiuzhaigou to huanglong highway(March 2010 perturbation).Don't edgewise/By sea,PenZhou is full of mountain ranges,One thousand years,Sichuan special geographical position let people have been exclamation"Shu difficult,It devilishly hard to".By the end of 2007,Sichuan province construction of western China to make comprehensive transportation hub of making important decisions,Determined to change"Shu difficult"for"Shu pass",Want to change the national road"Western terminal"for"Western central".therefore,Sichuan province in recent years the traffic system to expand investment/To speed up the development as a primary task,The province highway construction has made a historical breakthrough:Five years,The construction of highway project start total 42,Total mileage of 3887 kilometers,The total investment is 310.7 billion yuan,Are among the top consumers.Its wide high speed/Da shan high-speed...A new built highway over mountains,Span great river,From sichuan basin all the way toward outside the province.At present,Sichuan province expressway opened to traffic total mileage reached 3760 kilometers,Built under construction and total scale break 6500 km;Highway pass in and out my channel accumulated in article 9/Under article 11;In addition to the chongqing direction,More new shaanxi/guizhou/gansu/Yunnan direction,Highway main body skeleton are accelerating formation.It is reported,The end of 2012, sichuan province highway traffic mileage will break 4000 km,2013 will break 5000 km,2015 will be more than 6350 kilometers.At the same time ensure synchronous through 18 in and out of my channel,Basically completed the province highway system.Jiang dahai,Avenue out sichuan,Sichuan people look forward to generation"Shu difficult"change"Shu pass"Dream is to become a reality. The xinhua news agency hair


    这是雅西高速干海子特大桥一角(4月11日摄)。 新华社发     This is the west high speed dry haizi super-large bridge corner(On April 11 perturbation). The xinhua news agency hair
