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    11月11日凌晨,杭州“七格格”女装电子商务公司的市场部员工为不断刷新的交易数据欢呼。当日凌晨零时起,国内多家电子商务网站的“光棍节”特价促销活动集中造势,消费者也憋足了劲加入抢购大军,一场网络购物的狂欢就此掀起。据悉,在2011年11月11日,淘宝网和天猫当天的成交额超过53亿元。预计今年双十交易额将突破百亿。最新数据显示,11日凌晨开始到早晨8点,淘宝天猫“11·11”购物狂欢节在8个小时内,支付宝交易额已经突破50亿元。记者选取蹲点拍摄的杭州“七格格”女装,2006年就入驻淘宝网,2011年销售额达到2.5亿元。从凌晨起至上午11时,“七格格”的网上交易额突破2000万元,成交量激增到12万单。据“七格格”创始人曹青透露,今年“光棍节”当天的销售额至少可以突破5000万元。为应对这场购物狂欢节,“员工已不仅仅是废寝忘食了”,公司已提前下发员工延期休假的通知,同时调配大批员工增援客服及仓库,并不断招聘临时工缓解发货的紧张局面。新华社记者黄宗治摄     November 11th morning,hangzhou"Seven division division"Women's electronic commerce company's Marketing Department staff for constantly refresh trading data shout for joy.At 12:40am up that day,Many of China's e-commerce website"Single day"Special promotional activities centralized power,Consumer also suppress enough strength to snap up army,A network shopping party a in this.It is reported,In the November 11, 2011,Taobao and day cat the turnover of more than 5.3 billion yuan.This year is expected to double tenth turnover will break ten billion.The latest statistics show,11 to early morning at eight,Taobao day cat"11 11,"Shopping carnival in eight hours,Pay treasure turnover has exceeded 5 billion yuan.Reporter CunDian shooting selection of hangzhou"Seven division division"dress,2006 in taobao,2011 annual sales reached 250 million yuan.From 1 to 11 a.m.,"Seven division division"Online trading volume exceeding 20 million RMB yuan,Volume surge to 120000 single.According to"Seven division division"Founder CaoQing revealed,This year"Single day"The day's sales can break through at least 50 million yuan.To cope with the shopping carnival,"Staff has is not only the food and sleep",The company has employees in advance notice issued by delay vacation,At the same time, allocate a large number of staff reinforcements customer service and warehouse,And continually hiring temporary ease delivery of tension.Xinhua news agency reporters HuangZongZhi perturbation


    11月11日,杭州“七格格”女装电子商务公司为工作中的员工准备了食品和药品。新华社记者黄宗治摄     November 11,,hangzhou"Seven division division"Women's electronic commerce company for the work of the staff prepared food and drug.Xinhua news agency reporters HuangZongZhi perturbation
