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    11月14日,施工人员在展示一片安装在村民屋顶的“光伏陶瓷瓦”。这种高科技发电瓦片拥有多项专利技术,还获得2011年国家能源科技进步奖。从11月初开始,浙江省富阳市郊的洞桥村和三桥村两村已有17户村民家的楼顶上安装了光伏陶瓷瓦,并开始并网试运行,预计年发电量达11637度。这标志着由杭州市农村能源办委托富阳市供电局、浙江合大太阳能科技公司承建的“中国首例成片农村民居屋顶分布光伏并网发电系统”示范工程投入试运行。据介绍,光伏陶瓷瓦系统设计寿命为25年,每片光伏陶瓷瓦的发电功率约为每小时16瓦,以浙江的平均日照为例,50个平方的屋顶光伏陶瓷瓦一年可以产生4200多度电,足够普通家庭一年的用电量。按照6角钱一度电的价格算,可以节约电费7000多元。浙江是全国的光伏产业大省,目前嘉兴正在着力打造10平方公里的光伏产业创新园,嘉兴、绍兴两地还实施2万户家用光伏屋顶示范基地、推进和落实“百万光伏屋顶计划”。新华社记者 徐昱 摄     On November 14,Construction personnel on the show a piece of installed on the roof of the villagers"Photovoltaic ceramic tile".The high-tech power tiles owns several patent technology,Also won the 2011 national energy progress prize in science and technology.From the beginning of,The outskirts of fuyang, zhejiang province DongQiao village and village three bridge two village have 17 household villagers home installed on the roof of photovoltaic ceramic tile,And began to parallel in commissioning,In generating capacity is expected to reach 11637 degrees.This symbolized by hangzhou rural NengYuanBan entrust fuyang power supply bureau/Zhejiang together big solar technology company of construction"China's first vast stretches of rural dwellings roof distribution photovoltaic (pv) grid generation system"Demonstration project put into operation.According to introducing,Photovoltaic ceramic tile system design life for 25 years,Every piece of photovoltaic ceramic tile of generating power about every hour and tile,The average sunshine in zhejiang as an example,50 square roof photovoltaic ceramic tile a year can produce more than 4200 KWH,Enough ordinary families of the electricity consumption in a year.According to 6 cents kilowatt-hour price calculation,Can save electricity 7000 multivariate.Zhejiang is the big province of photovoltaic industry,At present jiaxing is strive to create 10 square kilometers of photovoltaic industry innovation park,jiaxing/Shaoxing is implementation and 20000 households household photovoltaic roof demonstration base/Propulsion and implement"Millions of photovoltaic roof plan".The xinhua news agency reporter xu yu perturbation


    11月14日,工作人员在查看光伏陶瓷瓦发电的实时发电量。新华社记者 徐昱 摄     On November 14,Staff in view photovoltaic ceramic tile power real-time power generation.The xinhua news agency reporter xu yu perturbation


    11月14日,合大太阳能科技公司的工作人员将成品光伏陶瓷瓦搬上推车,这种高科技陶瓷瓦是当地光伏企业出口的“拳头产品”。新华社记者 徐昱 摄     On November 14,Close big solar technology company staff will be finished photovoltaic ceramic tile to the cart,The high-tech ceramic tile is local photovoltaic enterprise exports"Fist products".The xinhua news agency reporter xu yu perturbation
