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    11月15日,在甘肃省兰州市榆中县一家塑料制品有限公司,工人们对回收废旧地膜进行二次加工。在甘肃省兰州市榆中县,被当地视为“白色革命”的全膜双垄沟播技术大大增强了玉米等农作物的抗旱能力,实现了粮食种植连年增产。可是随着农膜的大量使用,废旧残膜对农村土地造成了严重污染。废弃地膜难以降解,回收成为难题,许多农民将废弃地膜填埋或扔在地头、公路边、河谷中,导致“白色污染”问题日益严重。针对这一情况,甘肃省兰州市榆中县于2010年开始着手废旧地膜回收再利用,在全县重点乡镇设立回收站点,由回收点将回收的废旧地膜提供给生产企业进行二次加工利用。回收的废旧地膜进行精深加工后可制造出再生聚乙烯颗粒,大量用于大口径PE管生产,制造农业节水、城市给排水管道,使废旧地膜利用走出一条“使用——回收——加工——再利用”的良性循环路子,有效遏制“白色污染”问题,确保旱作农业的可持续发展。新华社发(高飞 摄) November 15,,In gansu province lanzhou city YuZhongXian a plastic products co., LTD,The workers to recycle of waste film for secondary processing.In gansu province lanzhou city YuZhongXian,By local as"White revolution"Full membrane double furrow planting technology greatly improves the crops such as corn ability of fighting drought,Realize the grain yield planting in successive years.But along with the wide use of agricultural film,Waste residual film on the rural land caused serious pollution.Abandoned film hard to degrade,Recovery is a difficult problem,Many farmers would scrap film landfill or thrown into the field/Highway side/River valley,Lead to"The white pollution"The increasingly serious problem.In view of this situation,Gansu province lanzhou city YuZhongXian in 2010 started waste plastic recycling,In the county town set up key recovery site,The recovery of the waste recovery at film provides a production enterprise for secondary processing using.Recycling of waste plastic are after deep processing can produce regenerated polythene particle,A large number of used in large diameter PE pipe production,Manufacture agricultural water-saving/City water supply and drainage pipeline,Make use of waste out of a film"Use - recovery - processing - reuse"Benign circulation way,effectively"The white pollution"problems,Ensure that dry the sustainable development of agriculture.The xinhua news agency hair(Goofy perturbation)



    11月15日,在甘肃省兰州市榆中县一家塑料制品有限公司,工人对回收的废旧地膜进行二次加工。新华社发(高飞 摄) November 15,,In gansu province lanzhou city YuZhongXian a plastic products co., LTD,Workers to recycle of waste film for secondary processing.The xinhua news agency hair(Goofy perturbation)



    11月15日,在甘肃省兰州市榆中县一家塑料制品有限公司,工人展示用废旧地膜制造出的再生聚乙烯颗粒。新华社发(高飞 摄) November 15,,In gansu province lanzhou city YuZhongXian a plastic products co., LTD,Workers with waste film show create regeneration polyethylene particles.The xinhua news agency hair(Goofy perturbation)
