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甘肃民勤:节水治沙 生态文明建设让沙漠边缘湖泊重现--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

甘肃民勤:节水治沙 生态文明建设让沙漠边缘湖泊重现


    甘肃民勤县碧波荡漾的青土湖。位于河西走廊东北部、石羊河流域下游的甘肃省民勤县,东西北三面被巴丹吉林和腾格里两大沙漠包围,全县各类沙漠及荒漠化土地占总面积的94%。上世纪50年代末,曾是石羊河尾闾湖的青土湖水干风起,流沙肆虐,形成了13公里的风沙线,成为民勤绿洲北部最大的风沙口,巴丹吉林和腾格里两大沙漠在这里呈合围之势。近年来,民勤县在国家政策引导支持下,坚持人与自然和谐,把推进生态文明建设放在更加突出位置,当地干部群众开展大规模的生态治理活动,一方面建立严格水资源管理制度,进行节水改造,推广节水技术,一方面在沙漠边缘坚持不懈压沙植树,防治沙害。如今,民勤县境内离沙漠最近的、曾经干涸51年的湖泊——青土湖,自2007年以来通过生态治理措施地下水位开始上升,2010年首次形成湖面后,已经实现连续两年不干涸,目前湖水水域面积已达15平方公里,成为生态好转的标志。新华社记者 梁强 摄 Minqin county of gansu rippling blue ground lake.Is located in the northeast of the hexi corridor/The downstream shiyang river basin in minqin county gansu province,Things north three sides by the jaran and teng ge li two big desert surrounded,The all kinds of desert and desertification land accounted for 94% of the total area.At the end of the 1950 s,Was the shiyang river rump lake blue ground water dry wind up,Quicksand wreak havoc,The formation of the 13 km sand line,Become the largest northern minqin oasis sand mouth,Jaran and teng ge li two big desert here is eventually encircle the potential.In recent years,Minqin county in the national policy guidance support,Adhere to the human and the nature harmonious,To promote the construction of ecological civilization in a more prominent position,The local of the cadres and the masses to carry out large-scale ecological management activities,On the one hand and set up strict water resources management system,For water saving reform,Popularizing the use of water-saving technology,On the one hand in the desert edge unremitting pressure sand planting trees,Of sand prevention and control.now,From the desert of minqin county territory recently/Once dry 51 years of lake - blue ground lake,Since 2007, through the ecological management measures of underground water level began to rise,For the first time in 2010 after the formation of the lake,Have consecutive two years not dry up,At present the lake water area has reached 15 square kilometers,Become ecological get better marks.Xinhua news agency reporters LiangJiang perturbation

甘肃民勤:节水治沙 生态文明建设让沙漠边缘湖泊重现


    连续两年不干涸的甘肃省民勤县青土湖。新华社记者 梁强 摄 Two consecutive years of dry in minqin county gansu province blue ground lake.Xinhua news agency reporters LiangJiang perturbation

甘肃民勤:节水治沙 生态文明建设让沙漠边缘湖泊重现


    11月19日,在甘肃省民勤县青土湖附近区域,治沙植树形成的植被将流动沙丘牢牢“锁住”,成为绿洲防护屏障。新华社记者 梁强 摄 On November 19,,In minqin county gansu province near lake blue ground area,Controlling the formation of planting vegetation will flow dune firmly"lock",Become the oasis protective barrier.Xinhua news agency reporters LiangJiang perturbation
