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    这是映汶高速上的桃关一号隧道口彩色护栏(11月21日摄)。 This is reflected in the high speed of yavin peach shut one tunnel portal color barrier(On November 21st perturbation).


    11月29日,被喻为“震中第二生命线”的映汶高速通车,将成都到汶川的行车时间从过去的3小时缩短到1.5小时。映秀至汶川高速公路2009年5月正式开工建设,线路全长48.27公里,桥隧占路线总里程的76.3%。 Nov. 29,Was known as"The epicenter second lifeline"Reflection of high-speed traffic to brunei,Will chengdu to wenchuan journey time from the past three hours shortened to 1.5 hours.Yingxiu to wenchuan highway in May 2009 formally started construction,Line length of 48.27 km,Bridge accounted for 76.3% of the total mileage route.


    映汶高速通车后,将提高国道213线都江堰至汶川段“生命线”的抗灾能力,承担起“震中第二生命线”的职能,促进沿线地震灾区发展振兴和民族地区社会稳定与民族团结。 Brunei reflects high speed after the opening to traffic,Will improve national highway 213 line dujiangyan to wenchuan section"lifeline"Anti-disaster ability of the,assume"The epicenter second lifeline"function,Promote the earthquake-stricken area along the development of the ethnic minority areas and social stability and national unity.


    新华社记者 江宏景 摄 Xinhua news agency reporters JiangHongJing perturbation


这是映汶高速上的连山村大桥(11月21日摄)。新华社记者 江宏景 摄 This is reflected in the high speed of yavin even mountain village bridge(On November 21st perturbation).Xinhua news agency reporters JiangHongJing perturbation


这是映汶高速上的映秀镇出口(11月19日摄)。新华社发(何勇 摄) This is reflected in the high speed of yavin yingxiu export(On November 19 perturbation).The xinhua news agency hair(HeYong perturbation)


这是映汶高速(左)与国道213线(右)。映汶高速22次跨越国道213线(11月13日摄)。新华社记者 李华梁 摄 This is reflected to brunei high speed(left)And the national highway 213 line(right).Brunei reflects high speed 22 across national highway 213 line(November 13 perturbation).Xinhua news agency reporters LiHuaLiang perturbation


这是映汶高速上的银杏乡入口(11月19日摄)。新华社发(何勇 摄) This is reflected in the high speed of yavin YinXingXiang entrance(On November 19 perturbation).The xinhua news agency hair(HeYong perturbation)


这是映汶高速上的映秀隧道(11月21日摄)。新华社记者 江宏景 摄 This is reflected in the high speed of yavin yingxiu tunnel(On November 21st perturbation).Xinhua news agency reporters JiangHongJing perturbation


这是映汶高速上的连山村大桥(11月12日摄)。新华社发(何勇 摄) This is reflected in the high speed of yavin even mountain village bridge(Taken on November 12,).The xinhua news agency hair(HeYong perturbation)
