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行动起来 向“零”艾滋迈进--亲稳网络舆情监测室

行动起来 向“零”艾滋迈进

    11月29日,湖南衡阳南华大学志愿者王瑞欢(左)同艾滋病患者拥抱。当日,南华大学的志愿者来到衡阳市艾滋病患者定点收治医院——衡阳市第三人民医院开展“关艾拥抱”活动。志愿者同艾滋病患者近距离交流并亲密拥抱,以此表达对艾滋病患者的关爱,迎接12月1日世界艾滋病日的到来。新华社发(曹正平 摄)     Nov. 29,Hunan hengyang nanhua university WangRuiHuan volunteers(left)Embrace with AIDS patients.On that day,South China university volunteers came to hengyang AIDS patients were designated hospital - hengyang the third people's hospital"GuanYi embrace"activities.Volunteers with AIDS patients close communication and close embrace,This expression of AIDS patients care,To meet the world AIDS day on December 1 arrival.The xinhua news agency hair(CaoZhengPing perturbation)

行动起来 向“零”艾滋迈进

    11月29日,山东省临沂市郯城县未名中学的学生将自己制作的红丝带贴在校内的防艾宣传海报上。新华社发(张春雷 摄)     Nov. 29,Linyi city of shandong province TanChengXian WeiMing middle school students will make your own red ribbon posted on the AIDS propaganda posters.The xinhua news agency hair(ZhangChunLei perturbation)

行动起来 向“零”艾滋迈进

    11月29日,山东省临沂市郯城县未名中学的学生在印有红丝带的宣传条幅上签下自己的名字。新华社发(张春雷 摄)     Nov. 29,Linyi city of shandong province TanChengXian WeiMing middle school students in printed with red ribbon propaganda banners to sign his name.The xinhua news agency hair(ZhangChunLei perturbation)

行动起来 向“零”艾滋迈进

    11月29日,山东省临沂市郯城县未名中学的学生将自己制作的红丝带贴在校内的防艾宣传海报上。新华社发(张春雷 摄)     Nov. 29,Linyi city of shandong province TanChengXian WeiMing middle school students will make your own red ribbon posted on the AIDS propaganda posters.The xinhua news agency hair(ZhangChunLei perturbation)

行动起来 向“零”艾滋迈进

    11月29日,安徽省阜阳师范学院信息工程学院青年志愿者协会的大学生志愿者们围在一起,展示大红丝带宣传展板。新华社发(王彪 摄)     Nov. 29,Anhui fuyang normal college information engineering college youth volunteer association of college students volunteers around together,Show red ribbon propaganda exhibition board.The xinhua news agency hair(WangBiao perturbation)
