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    12月1日,来自天津艾滋病民间关爱机构“艾馨家园”的成员用小红丝带拼贴出“AIDS”的字样。当日,来自天津各高校的大学生志愿者在时代未来广场举行世界艾滋病宣传活动,通过发放宣传材料、设置问答题等形式多样的活动唤起市民对艾滋病人的关爱、理解和尊重,呼吁全体市民共同行动,预防艾滋病。新华社记者 岳月伟 摄      On December 1,,From tianjin AIDS folk care institutions"YiXin home"Members with small red ribbon goes all out stick out"AIDS"".On that day,From tianjin universities of college students volunteer in future times square to hold the world AIDS day campaign,Through the issued publicity materials/Setting question and answer the topic and so on various activities to arouse the concern of citizens of AIDS/Understanding and respect,Call upon all the citizens common action,HIV prevention.Xinhua news agency reporters YueYueWei perturbation 


    12月1日,西安市钟鼓楼广场举行“世界艾滋病日”宣传活动。当日是世界艾滋病日,陕西省卫生部门和志愿者协会在西安市钟鼓楼广场开展以“行动起来,向‘零’艾滋迈进”为主题的防治艾滋病宣传活动,向广大市民普及艾滋病防治知识。新华社记者 李一博 摄     On December 1,,Xian drum tower plaza"World AIDS day"campaign.That day is world AIDS day,Shaanxi province health department and volunteers association in xi "an drum tower square carry out"action,to‘zero’Towards AIDS"As the theme of the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS campaign,To the general public popularity AIDS prevention knowledge.Xinhua news agency reporters LiYiBo perturbation


    12月1日,银川市的志愿者在关爱艾滋病人的宣传带上签名。当日,宁夏回族自治区卫生、医疗部门联合行动,举行“世界艾滋病日”宣传活动,通过为市民免费检测、发放预防艾滋病手册和主题签名等活动让广大市民了解艾滋病,关爱艾滋病病人。新华社记着 彭昭之 摄     On December 1,,The volunteers in yinchuan AIDS care propaganda with signature.On that day,Ningxia hui autonomous region health/The medical department combined action,held"World AIDS day"campaign,Through the public free detection/Issue HIV prevention manual signature and theme activities so that the general public to understand AIDS,Care for HIV/AIDS patients.The xinhua news agency PengZhao remember the perturbation


    12月1日,志愿者身着卡通服装向路人发放艾滋病预防宣传单。当日是世界艾滋病日。吉林省卫生部门在长春市人民广场开展以“行动起来,向‘零’艾滋迈进”为主题的防治艾滋病宣传活动,向群众普及艾滋病防治知识。 新华社记者 林宏 摄     On December 1,,Volunteers dressed in cartoon clothing to passers-by issue AIDS prevention flyer.That day is world AIDS day.Jilin province health department in changchun municipal people's square carry out"action,to‘zero’Towards AIDS"As the theme of the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS campaign,To the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS knowledge popularization. The xinhua news agency reporter y.s. ho perturbation


     12月1日,外国友人和医务工作者在接力慢跑活动中。当日是第25个“世界艾滋病日”。北京举办了“行动起来 向‘零’艾滋迈进”——艾滋病防治宣传“防艾无国界”接力慢跑活动。部分医务工作者、大学生志愿者、社区居民以及国际友人代表共同完成接力跑,并签名承诺携手“防艾”。新华社记者 公磊 摄      On December 1,,Foreign friends and medical workers in relay jogging activities.That day is a 25"World AIDS day".Beijing held"Action to‘zero’Towards AIDS"-- AIDS prevention propaganda"AIDS without borders"Relay jogging activities.Part of the medical workers/College students volunteer/Community residents and international friends represent to complete the relay,Signature and commitment to work hand in hand"AIDS".The xinhua news agency reporter male lei perturbation


    12月1日,云南省艾滋病关爱中心关爱部主任陈庆玲(中)在为两名艾滋病患者的家属进行心理疏导。云南省艾滋病关爱中心位于昆明西郊安宁市,为艾滋病病毒感染者、艾滋病病人及高危人群提供治疗、咨询等服务,并开展药物试验、行为干预、疫苗和母婴阻断研究及对外交流与合作。据该中心关爱部主任陈庆玲介绍,目前在此住院的100多名艾滋病患者已经得到了积极的救治;2000多名病情较轻的艾滋病患者定期从关爱中心领取免费药品,坚持抗病毒治疗。新华社记者 蔺以光 摄     On December 1,,Yunnan AIDS care center care director ChenQingLing(in)For two AIDS patients families psychological persuation.Yunnan AIDS care center is located in the western suburbs of kunming AnNingShi,For the AIDS virus infection/AIDS patient and high-risk groups to provide treatment/Consulting service,And carry out drug test/Behavior intervention/Vaccines and maternal and child blocking research and foreign exchange and cooperation.According to the center care director ChenQingLing is introduced,At present in the hospital more than 100 AIDS patients has been active treatment;More than 2000 illness lighter AIDS patients from care center regularly get free drugs,Adhere to the antiviral treatment.Xinhua news agency reporters LinYiGuang perturbation
