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    12月19日,一名先天性心脏病患儿河南信阳市第一人民医院接受检查,如符合条件将获得中国红十字基金会资助。中国红十字基金会“天使之旅”河南行动于12月19日全面展开,来自河南、新疆、黑龙江和广东等地的20多位志愿者参加。他们将用一周的时间对信阳和驻马店两市的先天性心脏病和白血病贫困患儿的生活和医疗现状进行调查评估。据介绍,截至2012年10月,中国红十字基金会旗下的“天使阳光基金”和“小天使基金”累计资助贫困患儿人数已经超过1万名。其中,白血病患儿7146名,先天性心脏病患儿2858名。新华社记者 金良快 摄 December 19,,A congenital heart disease in children in xinyang city of henan first people's hospital,If accord with conditions will get China Red Cross foundation funds.Chinese Red Cross foundation"Angel trip"Henan action on December 19, in full swing,From henan/xinjiang/Heilongjiang and guangdong in more than twenty volunteers.They will use a week's time to xinyang and other areas in the city of two congenital heart disease and leukemia poor children's life and health survey evaluation.According to introducing,By October 2012,Chinese Red Cross foundation's"Sunshine angel fund"and"Little angel fund"Accumulated funds impoverished children number has more than 10000.the,Children with leukemia in 7146,Children with congenital heart disease in 2858.The xinhua news agency JinLiang quick shot



    12月19日,一名先天性心脏病患儿在河南信阳市第一人民医院接受检查,如符合条件将获得中国红十字基金会资助。新华社记者 金良快 摄 December 19,,A congenital heart disease in children in xinyang city of henan first people's hospital,If accord with conditions will get China Red Cross foundation funds.The xinhua news agency JinLiang quick shot



    12月20日,在河南信阳罗山县,中国红十字基金会志愿者为一名白血病患儿进行心理疏导。新华社记者 金良快 摄 December twenty days,Luoshan county in henan xinyang,Chinese Red Cross foundation volunteers for a leukemia with psychological counseling.The xinhua news agency JinLiang quick shot
