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    12月21日,刚接受完左眼白内障手术的小北,在儿童希望之家康复室看窗外的圣诞树,下周她将接受右眼白内障手术。当日,由基金会中心网与河南省儿童希望救助基金会主办的“从救治到守护,儿童救助的探索——儿童希望救助基金会透明开放日”在北京儿童希望之家举行。关注公益的爱心人士、社会其他公益机构代表、媒体记者50余人走进儿童希望之家,直观了解该基金会在“传递真爱、救助儿童、守护生命,给孩子家、健康和希望”宗旨的指导下,救助孤儿和困境儿童的具体实施方式。目前儿童希望之家居住着17名被收留救助的儿童。新华社记者 李鑫 摄 On December 21,,Just accept the left eye cataract surgery small north,In the children's hope home rehabilitation room look out of the window of the Christmas tree,Next week she will accept right eye cataract surgery.the,The foundation center network and children in henan province to salvage the foundation"From the treatment to the guardian,Children's rescue quest - children hope rescue foundation transparent Open Day"In the Beijing children's hope of a house.Pay attention to public love people/Other social commonweal organization representative/Media more than fifty people walked into the home of the children's hope,Intuitive understanding in the foundation"Transfer true love/Rescue children/Guard life,Living to/Health and hope"Under the guidance of the principle,Rescue orphan children and difficulties of the specific implementation methods.At present the home children's hope live 17 were housed salvage of children.The xinhua news agency LiXin perturbation



    12月21日,儿童希望之家的工作人员在康复室照顾小朋友们。新华社记者 李鑫 摄 On December 21,,Home of the children's hope of personnel in the recovery room to take care of the children.The xinhua news agency LiXin perturbation



    12月21日,患有先天性肾上腺皮质增生的5岁的小翔翔在向记者展示她“新发明”的玩具。目前医生在为她确定手术方案。新华社记者 李鑫 摄 On December 21,,Suffering from congenital adrenal hyperplasia of the five little xiang xiang told reporters in show her"The new invention"toys.At present the doctor for her sure operation scheme.The xinhua news agency LiXin perturbation



    12月21日,患有轻微脑瘫的小欢欢在康复师安妮的陪伴下做站立康复治疗。新华社记者 李鑫 摄 On December 21,,Have mild cerebral palsy small huanhuan in KangFuShi Annie's company do stand rehabilitation therapy.The xinhua news agency LiXin perturbation



    儿童希望之家墙壁上挂着的孩子们的绘画作品。新华社记者 李鑫 摄 Children's hope hung on the wall of the house of the children's paintings.The xinhua news agency LiXin perturbation



    12月21日,在北京儿童希望之家,基金会的负责人在介绍相关情况。 On December 21,,In the Beijing children's home of hope,The head of the foundation on the introduction to the situation.新华社记者 李鑫 摄 The xinhua news agency LiXin perturbation
