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    这是汉函谷关遗址东关墙东侧发掘现场(11月14日摄)(洛阳市文物考古研究院提供)。记者从洛阳市文物考古研究院获悉,洛阳市文物工作者在汉函谷关遗址发现一条沿用至现代的千年古道,这条东西横贯遗址的古道是当时唯一进出关道路,也是丝绸之路的必经要道。汉函谷关遗址位于洛阳市新安县城关镇东关村,北距黄河60公里,北依凤凰山,南侧为青龙山,南北两山对峙,是修建关隘的理想地点。洛阳市文物考古研究院于6月21日开始对遗址进行考古发掘,截至目前钻探面积约10万平方米,发掘面积2115平方米。汉函谷关遗址是中国历史上建置较早的具有重要军事作用的雄关要塞之一,也是丝绸之路第一关。汉函谷关始建于西汉元鼎三年(即公元前114年),距今已有2000多年历史。此次汉函谷关遗址的发掘为秦汉关隘的研究提供了宝贵的资料。新华社发     This is han letter valley off site in dongguan east wall excavation site(On November 14 perturbation)(Luoyang institute of cultural relics and archaeology provided).Reporters from luoyang institute of cultural relics and archaeology,Luoyang cultural relics workers in the han letter valley off site found a used to modern one thousand path,This article things across the site of the ancient organ was the only way,Is the silk road the necessary arteries.Han letter valley off site is located in luoyang XinAnXian town dongguan,North of the Yellow River from sixty kilometers,According to the north lantau peak,For qinglongshan south,The two mountain confrontation,Is the ideal place to build pass.Luoyang institute of cultural relics and archaeology on June 21, began to on archaeological site,Up to now drilling area is about 100000 square meters,To explore an area of 2115 square meters.Han letter valley off site in China's history is establishing earlier has important military action of the city in one of the fortress,Is the silk road first shut.Han letter valley close was founded in the western han dynasty yuan ding three years(Namely in 114 BC),More than 2000 years of history.The Chinese letter valley site shut out for the qin and han dynasties pass study provided valuable material.The xinhua news agency hair


    这是汉函谷关遗址现场的发掘探方(8月19日摄)(洛阳市文物考古研究院提供)。新华社发     This is han letter valley off site field out exploratory party(August 19 perturbation)(Luoyang institute of cultural relics and archaeology provided).The xinhua news agency hair


    这是汉函谷关遗址出土的部分瓦当(洛阳市文物考古研究院提供)。新华社发     This is han letter valley off site unearthed part eaves tile(Luoyang institute of cultural relics and archaeology provided).The xinhua news agency hair


    这是汉函谷关遗址考古发掘现场(9月20日摄)(洛阳市文物考古研究院提供)。新华社发     This is han letter valley off site archaeological site(September twenty days taken)(Luoyang institute of cultural relics and archaeology provided).The xinhua news agency hair


    这是汉函谷关遗址千年古道上的路面车辙(11月23日摄)(洛阳市文物考古研究院提供)。新华社发     This is han letter valley off site in one thousand on the path of the pavement rutting(Taken on November 23,)(Luoyang institute of cultural relics and archaeology provided).The xinhua news agency hair
