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“万事民为先” "All the people first"
Remember - the standing committee of CCCPC political bureau li keqiang



    1993年5月2日,李克强到共青团第十三次全国代表大会代表驻地看望代表。新华社 May 2, 1993,Li keqiang to the communist youth league thirteenth national congress on behalf of the local visit.The xinhua news agency hair



    2003年8月8日,时任省委书记的李克强在河南新乡调研。图为他在原阳县桥北乡马庄村与村民亲切交谈。新华社发(郭宇摄) On August 8, 2003,The position of the provincial party committee secretary in henan xinxiang research.The graph is he in yuanyang country bridge MaZhuangCun progeny and talked with the villagers.The xinhua news agency hair(GuoYuShe)



    2005年11月3日,李克强在抚顺与棚户区改造搬进新居的群众亲切交谈。新华社发 On 3 November, 2005,Li keqiang in fushun and shantytowns transformation moved into the new house crowd hobnob.The xinhua news agency hair



    2008年1月31日,李克强乘坐装有防滑链的汽车在崎岖覆冰的山路上行进3个小时,来到四川省川北山区宣汉县老君乡紫云村。在察看灾情、慰问群众后,和随行陪同人员边吃方便面边研究救灾工作。新华社记者李学仁摄 On January 31, 2008,Li keqiang on a chain of car in the rugged ice mountain road for three hours,Came to sichuan xuanhan county chuanbei mountain old gentleman township ziyun village.Look at the disaster in/Sympathy after the,And accompanying persons accompanying ate instant noodles side the disaster relief work.The xinhua news agency LiXueRen perturbation



    2008年7月28日,李克强在山西大同煤矿集团塔山煤矿看望一线工人。新华社记者樊如钧摄 In July 2008 and day,Li keqiang in shanxi datong coal mine group DaShan see a line workers.The xinhua news agency FanRuJun perturbation



    2009年12月15日,李克强在珠海出席港珠澳大桥开工仪式后乘船前往海上施工现场考察。新华社记者黄敬文摄 15 December 2009,Li keqiang attended in zhuhai Hong Kong, zhuhai and macau bridge after the ceremony by boat to the sea on the construction site.The xinhua news agency HuangJingWen perturbation



    2010年1月28日,李克强在瑞士达沃斯与记者见面。新华社发 In January 2010 and day,Li keqiang in davos meeting with reporters.The xinhua news agency hair



    2010年7月8日,李克强在山东济宁市嘉祥县大孙村与贫困户孙树节一家亲切交谈。新华社发 July 8, 2010,Li keqiang in shandong jining jiaxiang big sun village and poor SunShuJie a friendly conversation.The xinhua news agency hair



    2011年4月25日,李克强参加2011年全国儿童预防接种日活动并考察北京市医改工作。这是李克强在方庄社区卫生服务中心喂孩子服食糖丸。新华社记者黄敬文摄 On April 25, 2011,Li keqiang attended the 2011 national children vaccination day activities, and to study the medical work.This is li keqiang in fangzhuang community health service center feed the child to take feed sugar pill.The xinhua news agency HuangJingWen perturbation



    2011年7月5日,李克强在安徽考察经济社会发展情况时,与中国科技大学学生们亲切交流。新华社记者饶爱民摄 On July 5, 2011,Li keqiang in anhui on the situation of economic and social development,And China university of science and technology students kind communication.The xinhua news agency RaoAiMin perturbation



    2011年8月,李克强访问香港时,看望公屋居民。新华社发 In August 2011,Li keqiang during his visit to Hong Kong,See public rental housing residents.The xinhua news agency hair



    2011年10月10日,李克强在湖南长沙青苹果数据处理中心向技术人员详细了解行业态势和应用前景。新华社记者李涛摄 On October 10, 2011,Li keqiang in hunan changsha green apple data processing center to technical personnel details about industry situation and application prospect.The xinhua news agency LiTaoShe



    2011年11月18日,李克强在北京市考察调研艾滋病防治情况,与艾滋病感染者握手并亲切交流。新华社记者庞兴雷摄 In November 2011 and day,Li keqiang on HIV/AIDS prevention and control in Beijing investigation situation,Shake hands with people infected with HIV and friendly communication.The xinhua news agency PangXingLei perturbation



    2012年4月27日,李克强与俄罗斯当选总统普京举行会谈。新华社发  April 27, 2012,Li keqiang and Russian President vladimir putin held talks was elected.The xinhua news agency hair



    2012年4月28日,李克强在莫斯科大学发表演讲。新华社发 In April 2012 and day,Li keqiang speech in Moscow university.The xinhua news agency hair



    2012年5月3日,李克强与欧盟委员会主席巴罗佐在布鲁塞尔共同出席中欧高层能源会议闭幕式。新华社发 On May 3, 2012,Li keqiang and the European commission President, jose Manuel barroso, common in Brussels at central high energy conference closing ceremony.The xinhua news agency hair
