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公益微力量 爱心大传递--亲稳舆论引导监测室

公益微力量 爱心大传递


   2012年对于中国公益事业而言,注定是值得记录的一年。“免费午餐”、“爱心衣橱”、“随手拍”等发端于网络的民间公益力量以“微公益”的形式朝着规范化的方向行进。越来越多的普通人成为公益主体,改变了以往多为慈善机构和名人做公益、普通人参与较少的状况,激发了普通公民的慈善热情,展现了积少成多的巨大力量。   In 2012 for China in public welfare undertakings,It is worth to a record year."Free lunch"/"Love almirah"/"Random shot"Originated in the network, such as folk public power to"Micro public"In the form of standardized direction.More and more people become public subject,Change the previous for charities and celebrities do public welfare/Ordinary people to participate in the condition of less,Arouse the enthusiasm of ordinary citizens charity,Show the great power of many a little makes a mickle. 
   This is January 11,,In the railway station in weihai in shandong province,School students in weihai zhang ping on the former help people telephone booking.During the Spring Festival,Zhang ping free telephone booking for people the deeds of warm a lot of people,Affectionately known by users"Booking elder brother".The xinhua news agency hair

公益微力量 爱心大传递

    2012年春节后,一位86岁的老工程师被查出癌症晚期,希望爱画画的外孙女为自己画幅肖像。在伤心地为外公画好像后,这位80后女孩写下了一条求助微博,希望网友们带着外公的画像“看世界”。3天内,世界各地的网友传回数万张照片,用他们的爱心带着老人“环游世界”。女孩与网友借助微力量,共同演绎了一曲温情的爱之歌。图为世界各地的网友传回的部分照片(拼版照片,5月15日摄)。新华社记者罗晓光摄     2012 years after the Spring Festival,A 86 - year - old engineer was found terminal cancer,Hope love drawing granddaughter picture for his portrait.Sadly for grandpa in painting like after,The 80 girl wrote a help micro bo,Hope net friends with grandpa portrait"See the world".Three days,All over the world net friend back to the tens of thousands of photo,With their love with the old man"Travel around the world".The girl with friends with micro power,Common deductive one song warmth of love song.The net friend from all over the world back part of the picture(Makeup photos,On May 15 perturbation).The xinhua news agency LuoXiaoGuang perturbation

公益微力量 爱心大传递


    这是12月19日,在贵州省黔南布依族苗族自治州罗甸县董王乡打改小学,孩子们穿上“爱心衣橱”发放的新衣服。“爱心衣橱”公益活动由媒体从业者倡议发起,倡议由演艺界、传媒界等爱心人士捐出戏服、出镜装、礼服、演出服等,通过线上和线下的拍卖、义卖的方式筹得善款,为贫困地区的孩子们购买衣物。新华社发(陶亮 摄) This is December 19,,In guizhou province LuoDianXian bouyeis DongWang township play to primary school,The children wear"Love almirah"The issue of new clothes."Love almirah"Public benefit activities by media practitioners initiative launched,Initiative by the entertainment industry/Media and love people donate costume/Put a mirror/dress/Costumes, etc,Through the online and offline auction/Fair way to raise funds,For the children in the poor areas are buying clothes.The xinhua news agency hair(TaoLiang perturbation)

公益微力量 爱心大传递


    “孤独的行走——为贫困自闭症儿童募捐公益活动”的发起者窦一欣(右)和陈萌在黑龙江省漠河县出口处合影(8月27日摄)。爱心人士窦一欣和自闭症青年画家陈萌于今年8月25日发起“孤独的行走”为贫困孤独症儿童募捐活动,计划从黑龙江省北极村一路向南,徒步或利用滑板车行进7000公里,跨越11个省份到达海南。新华社记者王凯摄 "Lonely walk - to poor autistic children collect public welfare activities"The sponsor of the sinus a hin(right)And ChenMeng in heilongjiang province MoHeXian photo at the exit(August 27, taken).Love a person sinus hin and autism ChenMeng young artists in August 25, launch"Lonely walk"To poor autism children's fundraiser,Plan from heilongjiang province arctic village a way to the south,Hiking or use slide comes into 7000 km,Across 11 provinces to hainan.The xinhua news agency WangKaiShe

公益微力量 爱心大传递


    自今年5月起,上海市妇联和上海市邮政公司共同向社会发起“母亲邮包”爱心捐赠活动,得到社会各界的热烈响应。9月19日,由上海市民和社会各界捐赠的4700余个“母亲邮包”在沪启程,通过邮政绿色通道送至内蒙古和四川都江堰等地的贫困母亲手中。每个“母亲邮包”包括日常生活必需的小药箱、手电筒、梳子、围巾、马甲、护膝等用品。新华社记者刘颖摄  Since this year 5 month,Shanghai women's federation and Shanghai postal company jointly launched to the society"Mother parcel post"Caring donation activities,Get a warm response from all walks of the society.On September 19,And the social from all walks of life by Shanghai donated more than 4700"Mother parcel post"Set in Shanghai,Through the postal green channel sent to Inner Mongolia and sichuan dujiang weir, poor mother hands.each"Mother parcel post"Including daily life necessary small box/flashlight/comb/scarf/Ma3 jia3/Knee things such as.The xinhua news agency LiuYingShe 

公益微力量 爱心大传递


    在福建省石狮市的曾坑社区,有一家“只送不卖”,名为“永恒阳光”的馒头店。店里的爱心人士将做好的馒头免费送给下岗职工、贫寒家庭、流浪者和拾荒者等(8月21日摄)。新华社记者郭圻摄 In fujian shishi city had pit community,There is a"Only send don't sell",called"Eternal sunshine"Of steamed bun shop.The love are the people who will do the steamed bread free to laid-off workers/Poor family/Rangers and scavenger, etc(On August 21 perturbation).The xinhua news agency GuoQi perturbation

公益微力量 爱心大传递


    这是12月8日,在天津庄王府举行的天津“宠物领养日”活动上,一名志愿者抱着等待领养的流浪狗。“宠物领养日”活动是一个由民间公益组织发起的流浪动物公益领养平台,通过宣传“以领养代替购买”的理念,为救助组织和个人搭建平台,让更多被救助的流浪动物重新进入家庭。新华社记者岳月伟摄 This is December 8,,In tianjin chong wangfu at the tianjin"Pet adoption day"activities,A volunteer hold wait for adoption of stray dogs."Pet adoption day"Activity is a public welfare organization launched by folk stray animal welfare adoption platform,Through the propaganda"To adopt instead of buying"concept,For rescue organizations and individuals build platform,Let more be salvage stray animals back into the family.The xinhua news agency YueYueWei perturbation

公益微力量 爱心大传递


    2012年冬天,江苏省扬州市一些社会爱心组织和学校开展以“真情满人间温暖冬日”为主题的捐衣活动,现场收集爱心御寒衣物共计4万余件,用以帮助新疆贫困地区的学生过冬(12月11日摄)。新华社发(孟德龙 摄) The winter of 2012,Yangzhou city, jiangsu province some social caring organizations and schools to"Indeed full room warm winter"As the theme of the activities to donate clothes,The collection of love warm clothes a total of more than 40000 pieces,To help the poor areas of xinjiang students for the winter(Taken on December 11,).The xinhua news agency hair(MengDeLong perturbation)

公益微力量 爱心大传递


    这是2012年12月23日,单车骑行中国边境募集善款凯旋而归的志愿者吴浩斌(上)接受同伴们的庆祝。今年2月起,在上海工作的志愿者吴浩斌从上海交通大学启程,历时302天环中国边境线骑行1.5万公里,进行爱心募捐。他通过“爱心里程认领”等形式募得11.8万元善款,用来帮助沿途的山区贫困学校。新华社发(汤显平 摄) This is on December 23, 2012,Bicycle riding the Chinese border raising money triumph WuHaoBin volunteers(on)Accept friends to celebrate.2 month this year,Work in Shanghai WuHaoBin volunteers from Shanghai jiaotong university set out on a journey,Lasted 302 days ring China border ride 15000 km,To love the.He through the"Love mileage claim"Forms of money raised 118000 yuan,To help the poor mountainous area schools.The xinhua news agency hair(ShangXianPing perturbation)
