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    12月28日,在宁杭高铁浙江段的东林镇南山村,德清铁路派出所所长伊武兴(左一)向一户农家了解高铁沿线治安情况。日前,国家重点项目——宁杭高铁即将开始通车运营前的联调测试,这标志着江浙两省高铁沿线铁路警察对高铁建设的保卫督查进入了最后冲刺阶段。   On December 28,,In zhejiang, hangzhou high speed of donglin NaShanCun town,Deqing railway station WuXing of Iraq(The left one)To a farmhouse understand high iron along the security situation.Prior to the,National key projects - hangzhou high speed rail is about to start before the traffic operation of alignment testing,This marks the jiangsu province high iron along the railway police security supervision on the construction of high iron entered the final sprint stage.

    Hangzhou high iron and hangzhou passenger dedicated line,From nanjing,South to hangzhou,Nearly 250 km,Design speed of 350 km/hour,In January 2013 is expected to open to traffic.At the appointed time,Yangtze river delta will be officially formed high iron"An hour city circle".
    As the saying goes"Railway policeman,Each tube for a",54.6 km but deqing railway station under the jurisdiction of the high iron not only across hangzhou/Huzhou city, five counties,Along the permanent and among the floating population of about 390000 people,And hills/River network with,Social security is hangzhou high iron, and most complicated geological conditions of a journey.
    从2010年10月起,德清铁路派出所铁警每天巡查在这段占宁杭高铁浙江段一半多里程的高铁沿线,跋山涉水排查治安隐患,并深入360余处在建高铁安全防护设施现场,全程监督检查施工进展,以严把工程质量关。截至2012年11月,该派出所已排查各类安全隐患1351处,督促整改847处,破获涉高铁案件47起,抓获犯罪嫌疑人13人,涉案总值约37万元。新华社记者 谭进 摄
    Since October 2010,Deqing railway station iron police search every day in this paragraph of hangzhou high iron in zhejiang province for more than half mileage of high iron along,See us security hidden danger,And further more than 360 in building high iron safety protection facilities on site,The whole supervision and inspection of the construction progress,To guarantee the quality of engineering.By November 2012,The police station has spent 1351 all kinds of potential safety problems,Supervise the rectification in 847,Uncovered involving high iron case 47 cases,Capture the criminal suspect 13 people,Involving a total value of about 370000 yuan.Xinhua news agency reporters TanJin perturbation



    12月28日,浙江德清铁路派出所的四名警员爬上即将开通的德清高铁站的后山,准备巡查铁路沿线护栏设施。新华社记者 崔新钰 摄 On December 28,,Zhejiang deqing railway station will be opening of the four officers climbed deqing high station was reckoned,Ready to search railway along the barrier facilities.The xinhua news agency reporter cui new already taken



    在宁杭高铁浙江段一处隧道口的山坡上,浙江德清铁路派出所警官程飞(右)在与一位施工负责人讨论高铁防护栅栏的合理布局(7月19日摄)。新华社记者 谭进 摄 In zhejiang, hangzhou high speed for a place on the hill slope,Zhejiang deqing railway station officer ChengFei(right)In discussions with a construction of high iron protection reasonable layout of the fence(Taken on July 19).Xinhua news agency reporters TanJin perturbation



    12月28日,浙江德清铁路派出所的朱海明警员在宁杭高铁一座高架桥下巡查通道保笼的质量。新华社记者 崔新钰 摄  On December 28,,Zhejiang deqing ZhuHaiMing officers of railway station in hangzhou high iron a viaduct search channel guaranteed the quality of the cage.The xinhua news agency reporter cui new already taken 



    12月28日,浙江德清铁路派出所高再新副所长在宁杭高铁经过的东林镇南山村,张贴铁路安全宣传画。 新华社记者 崔新钰 摄 On December 28,,Zhejiang deqing railway station GaoZaiXin deputy director in hangzhou high iron through town of donglin NaShanCun,Posting railway safety posters. The xinhua news agency reporter cui new already taken
