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    12月28日,在上海元代水闸遗址博物馆里播放的介绍水闸的视频。上海元代水闸建于700多年前的元代,于2001年被发现,经过多次发掘整理,考古专家在2006年完整揭示了遗址全貌。该遗址深藏于地表下7米至12米处,总占地面积约1500平方米,是中国国内已考古发掘的规模最大、保存最完整的元代水闸。该考古项目被评为2006年“中国十大考古新发现”之一。如今,观众步入在该水闸上建成的遗址博物馆,可以看到这座古老水闸的原貌,畅游于700多年前的水闸石板、木桩中间。此外,观众还可看到原址考古发掘的部分文物,并能观看通过计算机技术复原的水闸建造流程、施工工艺等。遗址博物馆将于2013年1月1日正式对公众开放。新华社记者 任珑 摄 On December 28,,Yuan dynasty ruins of sluices in Shanghai museum on the introduction of sluices in the video.Shanghai sluices in yuan dynasty was built 700 years ago in yuan dynasty,Was found in 2001,After many explore collation,Archaeology expert in 2006 reveals the full site.This site deep in the earth's surface under 7 m to 12 m,Covers an area of about 1500 square meters,Is China has the largest archaeological excavations/The most complete preservation of the sluices in yuan dynasty.The archaeological project was awarded in 2006"China's top ten archaeological discoveries"One of the.now,The audience into the museum was built on the ruins of the gate,You can see the beauty of the old sluices,Swim more than 700 years ago the sluices tablets/Piles of.In addition,The audience can see part of the cultural relics of the site archaeological excavations,And be able to see through the computer technology recovery of sluices build process/The construction technology and so on.Ruins museum will be on January 1, 2013 officially open to the public.Xinhua news agency reporters RenLong perturbation



    12月28日拍摄的上海元代水闸遗址博物馆。新华社记者 任珑 摄  On December 28 of sluices in yuan dynasty ruins museum in Shanghai.Xinhua news agency reporters RenLong perturbation 



    12月28日拍摄的上海元代水闸遗址博物馆内一景。新华社记者 任珑 摄  On December 28 of Shanghai sluices in yuan dynasty ruins museum one scene.Xinhua news agency reporters RenLong perturbation 



    12月28日拍摄的上海元代水闸遗址博物馆中陈列的部分出土文物。新华社记者 任珑 摄  On December 28 of Shanghai sluices in yuan dynasty ruins of part of the unearthed cultural relics on display in the museum.Xinhua news agency reporters RenLong perturbation 



    12月28日拍摄的上海元代水闸遗址博物馆外景。新华社记者 任珑 摄 On December 28 of Shanghai sluices in yuan dynasty ruins museum exterior.Xinhua news agency reporters RenLong perturbation



    上海元代水闸遗址博物馆中展示的水闸地下结构(12月28日摄)。新华社记者 任珑 摄 Shanghai sluices in yuan dynasty ruins of underground structure damages were on display at the museum(On December 28, perturbation).Xinhua news agency reporters RenLong perturbation
