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    12月30日,工人们在即将竣工的宁杭高铁浙江湖州站进行换轨施工。目前,国家重点项目——宁杭高铁开始通车运营前的联调测试,标志着这条连接江苏省南京市与浙江省杭州市的高速铁路进入建设的最后冲刺阶段。宁杭高铁又名宁杭客运专线,由铁道部和江苏省、浙江省共同组织建设,北起南京,南至杭州,全长约249公里,设计时速为350公里/小时,预计于2013年2月通车。届时,长三角地区不仅将正式形成高铁“一小时都市圈”,而且还可通过该高铁与京沪高速铁路、上海至深圳客运专线、上海至昆明客运专线、沪汉蓉通道等相衔接,将长三角的交通与经济快速扩展至更广泛的区域。新华社记者 谭进 摄     On dec. 30,,The workers in the completion of huzhou zhejiang hangzhou high iron stand in rail construction.At present,,National key projects - hangzhou high iron began to open to traffic before the alignment of test,Marks the connection and hangzhou city zhejiang province, nanjing city, jiangsu province construction of high-speed railway in the final sprint stage.Hangzhou high iron and hangzhou passenger dedicated line,By the ministry of railways and jiangsu province/Zhejiang common organization construction,From nanjing,South to hangzhou,About 249 km,Design speed of 350 km/hour,In February 2013 is expected to open to traffic.At the appointed time,Yangtze river delta region not only will be officially formed high iron"An hour city circle",But also through the high iron and jinghu high speed railway/Shanghai to shenzhen passenger dedicated line/Passenger dedicated line in Shanghai to kunming/Shanghai han rong connected channels, etc,The Yangtze river delta transportation and rapid economic expansion to a wider range of area.Xinhua news agency reporters TanJin perturbation


    在宁杭高铁浙江杭州段一处已安装保笼的应急疏散通道上,两名铁路警察在检测该通道扶手的施工(12月25日摄)。新华社记者 谭进 摄     In hangzhou, zhejiang province, in hangzhou high iron for a installed the cage of the emergency evacuation channel,Two railway police in testing the construction of the channel armrest(December 25 th perturbation).Xinhua news agency reporters TanJin perturbation


    12月31日,工人们在即将竣工的宁杭高铁浙江长兴站信号机械室调试高铁信号设备。新华社记者 谭进 摄     On December 31,,The workers in the completion of hangzhou high iron zhejiang changxing station signal mechanical room debugging high iron signal equipment.Xinhua news agency reporters TanJin perturbation
