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    1月13日,徐鹏飞(左)向前来“取经”的朋友介绍建在自家楼顶的太阳能光伏发电板。     On January 13,,XuPengFei(left)Come up to the"take"Friend is introduced in the roof of the building their own solar photovoltaic panels.

    “截至13日我的私人‘发电厂’累计发电123.6度,完全满足了我们家庭的用电需求。” 家住青岛市市北区同德路82号的夹岭沟小区的普通居民徐鹏飞告诉记者。他所讲的“发电厂”就是他建在自家居民楼楼顶的分布式光伏电源,所发电除家庭自用外,富余的电量已并入国家电网对外出售,这也是我国首个成功并网的居民用户分布式光伏电源项目。     "By 13 my private‘Power plant’Total power 123.6 degrees,Fully meet our family of electricity demand." Shibei district in Qingdao tongde road no. 82 of the clamp ridge groove village of ordinary residents XuPengFei told reporters.What he said is"Power plant"Is he built in his top into distributed photovoltaic power supply,The power in addition to the domestic for private use,Surplus power has been incorporated into the state grid for sale,This is China's first successful combined residents user distributed photovoltaic power project.

    记者在项目现场见到,8块光伏发电板建在徐鹏飞所住居民楼楼顶,装机总容量2千瓦,并网电压为220伏,设计年发电2600千瓦时,主要用电设备为日常家用电器。     Reporter in the project site to see,Eight piece of photovoltaic panels built in XuPengFei live into the roof,The total installed capacity of 2 kw,Grid voltage is 220 v,In design of generating 2600 KWH,Main electric equipment for daily household appliances.

    2012年10月26日,国家电网公司向社会公布了《做好分布光伏发电并网服务的工作意见》。出台了允许分布式光伏发电分散接入低压配电网,允许富余电力上网,电网企业按国家政策全额收购富余电力的政策。     On October 26, 2012,The state grid corporation to the released[Well distributed photovoltaic energy grid service opinion].Introduced to allow distributed photovoltaic power generation dispersion access low voltage distribution network,The Internet allows surplus power,Power grid enterprise according to the national policy full purchase surplus power policy.

    2012年12月21日,徐鹏飞申请的分布式光伏电源成功并入山东电网。设备运行20多天来,已累计发电123.6度,除自家耗费87度外,其余电量上网提供给其他用户使用。他给记者算了一笔账:设备投入2万多元,设计寿命20年,预计10年可收回全部成本,剩下的10年家庭用电可实现完全免费,这不失为当今高耗能、高电价时代,家庭电能获取的一个有效途径。新华社记者 李紫恒 摄     On December 21, 2012,XuPengFei application of distributed photovoltaic power successfully merged into shandong power grid.Equipment operation more than twenty days,Has accumulated generating 123.6 degrees,In addition to their cost 87 degrees outside,The rest of the Internet to provide power to other users.He sent the journalist calculate a bill:Equipment investment 20000 yuan,Design life twenty years,Ten years is expected to recoverable full cost,The rest of the 10 years family electricity can realize completely free,This is today's production/High price time,The family power from a effective way.The xinhua news agency LiZiHeng perturbation


         1月13日,徐鹏飞在楼梯间查看自家“发电厂”的发电量。新华社记者 李紫恒 摄 On January 13,,XuPengFei in stairwells check oneself"Power plant"Capacity of.The xinhua news agency LiZiHeng perturbation


         1月13日,徐鹏飞指着厨房电器设备告诉记者,自家的“发电厂”完全满足了家庭的用电需求。新华社记者 李紫恒 摄 On January 13,,XuPengFei pointed to the kitchen electric equipment told reporters,his"Power plant"Fully meet the needs of the family.The xinhua news agency LiZiHeng perturbation


         1月13日,徐鹏飞(左)向前来“取经”的朋友介绍建在自家楼顶的太阳能光伏发电板。新华社记者 李紫恒 摄 On January 13,,XuPengFei(left)Come up to the"take"Friend is introduced in the roof of the building their own solar photovoltaic panels.The xinhua news agency LiZiHeng perturbation
