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    1月20日,一个孩子在辽宁珍贵古籍特展上参观展品。近日,“辽宁珍贵古籍特展”在辽宁省博物馆开展。本次展览由国家图书馆、国家古籍保护中心、辽宁省文化厅共同主办,辽宁省图书馆、辽宁省古籍保护中心、辽宁省博物馆承办。“辽宁珍贵古籍特展”以展示珍贵古籍为主,古籍保护成果为辅,共分魏晋南北朝隋唐五代时期写本、宋元刻本、明清刻本、活字印本、套印本、稿抄校跋本、明清版画、舆图、书籍装帧、少数民族文字文献十个单元。展出的148种珍贵古籍,主要是从省内30余家古籍收藏单位保存的150余万册古籍中精选而出,其中绝大部分已入选国家级或省级珍贵古籍名录,具有一定的整体性、系统性和广泛的代表性,融艺术性、知识性、趣味性于一体,集中反映了我国历史上不同时期古籍书写、印刷及装帧的形式、特点、风格,以实物形式再现了我国古代书籍的发展历史。此外,举世闻名的《永乐大典》《赵城金藏》等六部国宝级珍贵古籍也首次抵沈参展。本次展览将于1月31日结束。新华社记者 潘昱龙 摄      1 month and day,A child in liaoning precious ancient books on the temporary visit.recently,"Liaoning precious ancient German"In liaoning province in the museum.This exhibition is sponsored by the national library/National ancient protection center/Liaoning province sponsored by investors,Liaoning library/Liaoning province ancient protection center/The museum in liaoning province."Liaoning precious ancient German"To display the precious ancient books give priority to,An ounce of prevention is worth a ancient books protection results,Common points in the southern and northern dynasties, sui and tang dynasties, the five dynasties period transcript/Had song/Ming and qing dynasties had/Type copy/Overprint this/Draft copy school was the/Prints the Ming and qing dynasties/map/book/Minority language literature ten units.At the 148 kinds of rare ancient books,Mainly from the province more than 30 preserved ancient books collection units more than 150 copies in the ancient books selected out,For the most part already selected national or provincial precious ancient list,Has certain integrity/Systematic and wide representativeness,Melt artistic/knowledge/Interest in one,Reflects the different periods in the history of our country ancient writing/The form of printing and binding/characteristics/style,In the physical representation of Chinese ancient books development history.In addition,world-famous[yongle][ZhaoCheng gold hidden]Six, such as national precious ancient books for the first time to shen exhibition.This exhibition will be on, comes to an end January 31.The xinhua news agency PanYuLong perturbation 


    1月20日,参观者在辽宁珍贵古籍特展上观看工作人员雕版刻字。新华社记者 潘昱龙 摄     1 month and day,Visitors in liaoning precious ancient books on temporary workers watch engraving lettering.The xinhua news agency PanYuLong perturbation


1月20日,参观者在宁珍贵古籍特展上参观展品。新华社记者 潘昱龙 摄 1 month and day,The visitor is rather rare ancient books on the temporary visit.The xinhua news agency PanYuLong perturbation
