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    1月19日,“百幅唐卡工程艺术专家委员会成员在讨论由中国民族博物馆画师翟跃飞从北京寄来的新唐卡画作《美丽西藏 可爱家乡》草图的修改意见。当日,“百幅唐卡工程艺术专家委员会成员聚在一起,讨论唐卡画师们为“百幅唐卡工程”所创作的唐卡作品构思、构图及画法,并提出修改意见,确保“百幅唐卡工程”头百幅作品6月底前高质量完成。据介绍,启动于2012年5月的“百幅唐卡工程”旨在进一步保护、继承和发扬唐卡绘画艺术,不断丰富西藏唐卡绘画的表现内容和艺术表现形式,创作一大批体现时代特征、具有强烈艺术魅力的新唐卡作品。“百幅唐卡工程”内容包括西藏和平解放60年、西藏文明发展史、西藏风景名胜3个部分,每部分包括100幅作品,计划用3到5年时间完成。新华社发(刘坤 摄)     On January 19,,"The picture of thangka engineering"Art expert committee member in the discussion by the China national museum ZhaiYueFei painter from Beijing to send the new thangka paintings[The beautiful Tibet lovely home]The sketch of the revision opinion.the,"The picture of thangka engineering"Art expert committee members together,Discuss the thangka painter for"The picture of thangka engineering"The creation of the thangka concept works/Composition and descriptive,And put forward modify opinions,Ensure that"The picture of thangka engineering"Head the works before the end of June finish high quality.According to introducing,Start in May, 2012"The picture of thangka engineering"For the purpose of further protection/To inherit and carry forward the thangka art,Is unceasingly rich Tibetan thangka paintings performance content and the artistic form,To create a large number of reflect the features of The Times/With a strong artistic charm new thangka works."The picture of thangka engineering"Content includes the peaceful liberation of Tibet sixty years/Tibet history of civilization/Tibet of scenic three parts,Each part includes 100 works,Plans to use 3 to 5 years to complete.The xinhua news agency hair(Yang ch perturbation)


    这是已经完成的新唐卡画作《修复壁画》(1月19日摄)。新华社发(刘坤 摄)     This is the finished new thangka paintings[Repair mural](January 19 perturbation).The xinhua news agency hair(Yang ch perturbation)


    1月19日,西藏美术家协会主席韩书力为新唐卡画作《扎西德勒》提出颜色修改意见。新华社发(刘坤 摄)     On January 19,,Tibetan artists association HanShuLi chairman for the new thangka paintings[Zha xi DE le]Put forward the color revision opinion.The xinhua news agency hair(Yang ch perturbation)
