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    1月18日,上舍小学的孩子们下午放学后整队前往“留守儿童之家”。在安徽岳西县毛尖山乡板舍村上舍小学,每当下午三点半下学铃声响起,学校里的“留守儿童”们都会背着书包冲向学校隔壁的小“俱乐部”。在那里,孩子们可以看书、弹琴、画画、踢球,和小伙伴们一起度过晚饭前的课余时光。2006年,在福州打工的刘磊回乡后注意到全村70%以上的孩子是“留守儿童”,这些孩子的父母在外打工,长期由爷爷奶奶抚养。父母关爱的缺失让不少孩子的性格变得孤僻,学习成绩也大多不好。见此情景,刘磊萌生了建立“留守儿童之家”的想法。2007年,他和在乡卫生室工作的妻子储芳一起凑了6万元,办起了这个全乡最大的“留守儿童之家”,免费为孩子们提供了一个课外娱乐、交流和学习的场所。目前在这里登记活动的儿童有200多人,平均年龄在10岁左右,而最早“驻扎”的一批孩子中已有人考入了大学。在采访中储芳告诉记者,她现在最大的心愿就是能通过“留守儿童之家”这个平台,引起社会各界对留守儿童的关注,让这些孩子们的心理更加健康,能够感受到社会对他们的爱。新华社记者 杜宇 摄      1 month and day,The pieces of primary school children to line up after class in the afternoon"Left-behind children's home".In anhui yuexi county maojian tea mountain area plate bits of the shang bits of primary school,When the school bell ring ring out at PM,The school"Left-behind children"They'll carry bag to school next door of small"club".there,Children can read a book/harps/drawing/play,And friends to spend spare time before dinner.In 2006,,In fuzhou LiuLei work home and noticed that the whole village is more than 70% of the children"Left-behind children",The children's parents working outside,By raising the long-term grandma and grandpa.The lack of a lot of parents care for the child's character become withdrawn,His grades are mostly bad.Seeing this,The establishment of LiuLei initiation"Left-behind children's home"idea.In 2007,,He and his wife work in township clinic ChuFang together with 60000 yuan,Launched the entire town's largest"Left-behind children's home",Free of charge to provide children with a extracurricular entertainment/Communication and learning place.Now here registration activities of children more than 200 people,The average age in the ten years old,And the first"stationed"A group of children has been admitted to the university.In the interview ChuFang told reporters,She is now the biggest wish is can pass"Left-behind children's home"This platform,Cause the social from all walks of life to the attention of left-behind children,Let the children's psychological healthy,Can feel social love for them.Xinhua news agency reporter cuckoo perturbation 


几名儿童在图书室外看书(1月18日摄)。新华社记者 杜宇 摄 Several children in the outside reading(1 month and day perturbation).Xinhua news agency reporter cuckoo perturbation


    12岁的储昭龙(左)在“留守儿童之家”里弹奏电子琴,吸引了许多女同学的注意(1月18日摄)。新华社记者 杜宇 摄     12 years old ChuZhaoLong(left)in"Left-behind children's home"Play the keyboard in the,Attracted the attention of many female classmate(1 month and day perturbation).Xinhua news agency reporter cuckoo perturbation
