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    1月22日,上海市长宁区周家桥街道社区卫生服务中心的家庭医生陈华在为社区居民进行诊疗。正值隆冬,天气寒冷,加上连日空气污染加剧,使得冬季“季节病”进入高发期。这几天,上海市长宁区周家桥街道社区卫生服务中心的“家庭医生”团队——“陈华工作室”的医生们愈加忙碌。慢性病人和突患感冒、呼吸道疾病的居民数量的增加,使4名“家庭医生”的门诊量大增;除了每周的两天坐诊外,家庭医生们在其余三个工作日全部要下社区,为“家庭病床”病人和重点看护对象提供“上门服务”,为他们提供就医用药、营养指导,心理疏导,健康咨询等服务,在寒冷的冬日里为社区居民们送去健康和温暖。2010年,上海市正式将“家庭医生制”工作纳入上海市医改五项重点举措。作为全市家庭医生制度试点区之一,长宁区逐步推广“家庭医生”制度,以全科医生为主体,以契约式服务的形式,为社区居民提供连续、综合、协调的基本卫生服务。新华社发(丁汀 摄) On January 22,,Shanghai changning district ZhouGuQiao street community health service center family doctor Chen hua.how to community residents in diagnosis and treatment.winter,The weather was cold,And day after day air pollution aggravate,Makes winter"Season disease"Into the period.These days,Shanghai changning district ZhouGuQiao street community health service center"Family doctor"Team --"Chen hua.how studio"The doctors increasingly busy.Chronic disease and process have a cold/Respiratory disease rise in the number of residents,Make four"Family doctor"MenZhenLiang of a;In addition to the two days a week ZuoZhen outside,Family doctors in the rest three working days to all community,for"Domestic sickbed"Patient and key nursing object to provide"Door-to-door service",Provide them with medical use/Nutrition guidance,Psychological counseling,Health consulting and other services,In the cold in the winter for community residents sent to health and warm.In 2010,,Shanghai official will"Family doctor system"Work included in Shanghai medical five key measures.As the family doctor system one of the predicaments,Changning district gradually promotion"Family doctor"system,To general practitioners as the main body,In the form of contractual services,For the community residents to provide continuous/comprehensive/Coordination of the basic health services.The xinhua news agency hair(DingTing perturbation)




     1月22日,上海市长宁区周家桥街道社区卫生服务中心的家庭医生陈华在整理社区居民的健康状况管理卡片。新华社发(丁汀 摄)  On January 22,,Shanghai changning district ZhouGuQiao street community health service center family doctor Chen hua.how in finishing community health management card.The xinhua news agency hair(DingTing perturbation)




      1月22日,上海市长宁区周家桥街道社区卫生服务中心的家庭医生陈华在展示她为社区高血压病人进行健康管理的记录卡。新华社发(丁汀 摄)   On January 22,,Shanghai changning district ZhouGuQiao street community health service center family doctor Chen hua.how is showing her high blood pressure patients for the community health management of the card.The xinhua news agency hair(DingTing perturbation)




     1月22日,上海市长宁区周家桥街道社区卫生服务中心的家庭医生方红为社区居民徐文乐“上门服务”,对他的慢性病进行病情监测。新华社发(丁汀 摄)  On January 22,,Shanghai changning district ZhouGuQiao street community health service center family doctor FangGong for community residents XuWenLe"Door-to-door service",To his chronic illness for monitoring.The xinhua news agency hair(DingTing perturbation)




    1月22日,上海市长宁区周家桥街道社区卫生服务中心的家庭医生方红为社区居民徐文乐“上门服务”,对他的慢性病进行病情监测,临走时老人送她到门口。新华社发(丁汀 摄) On January 22,,Shanghai changning district ZhouGuQiao street community health service center family doctor FangGong for community residents XuWenLe"Door-to-door service",To his chronic illness for monitoring,When he left the old man to send her to the door.The xinhua news agency hair(DingTing perturbation)




    1月22日,上海市长宁区周家桥街道社区卫生服务中心的家庭医生方红在自己负责的虹桥万博花园为社区居民提供“上门服务”。新华社发(丁汀 摄) On January 22,,Shanghai changning district ZhouGuQiao street community health service center in their family doctor FangGong responsible hongqiao fair garden for community residents to provide"Door-to-door service".The xinhua news agency hair(DingTing perturbation)
