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    1月24日,孩子们跟随着他们的父母开始了返乡之路。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 January 24,,The children followed their parents started coming home road.The xinhua news agency reporter PengZhao perturbation  





    1月24日,在宁夏银川火车站,一位在银川打工的母亲正带着自己的四个孩子准备坐车返回四川老家过年。距离春节还有一段时间,宁夏各地外出务工人员已经提前踏上返乡旅程,而跟随他们在异乡生活的孩子们也像“候鸟”一般,开始陆续返回故乡过年。虽然回家路途漫长而辛苦,但孩子们依然一路玩耍欢笑。据了解,今年春运期间银川火车站预计接待旅客66万人次,同比增长19%,日均接待旅客1.65万人次。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 January 24,,In the ningxia yinchuan station,A mother is working in yinchuan with his four children ready to ride back to sichuan home New Year's day.Distance the Spring Festival and a period of time,All the migrant workers have set foot on the journey ahead,And follow their life in the foreign children like"Migratory birds"general,Began returning to home New Year's day.Although home long and hard journey,But the children are still playing all laugh.It is understood,During the Spring Festival this year is expected to yinchuan station received about 660000 passengers,Year-on-year growth of 19%,Average daily reception carried 16500 passengers.The xinhua news agency reporter PengZhao perturbation




    1月24日,在宁夏银川火车站,叶宇航(前左)和叶潇寒(前右)小朋友跟随母亲进站上车,今年他们将带着礼物返回山东老家过年。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄 January 24,,In the ningxia yinchuan station,Leaf space(Front left)And YeXiao cold(Right before)Children follow mother home get on the car,This year they will bring a gift back to shandong home New Year's day.The xinhua news agency reporter PengZhao perturbation




     1月24日,在宁夏银川火车站,马思雨正在一边排队候车一边看父亲给自己买的火车票,今年8岁的她将跟随父亲返回四川老家过年。新华社记者 彭昭之 摄  January 24,,In the ningxia yinchuan station,MaSiYu are side queue waiting side to see my father to buy a train ticket,This year at the age of eight she will follow father returns home New Year in sichuan province.The xinhua news agency reporter PengZhao perturbation
