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   搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:大家好,这里是2012向教育提问搜狐教育年度盛典的现场,下面请到国家督学、云南省人民政府参事、前云南教育厅厅长罗崇敏。 hello everybody,Here is 2012 to education question sohu education annual festival site,Next, please to the national school inspector/People's government of yunnan province to attach/Yunnan provincial director LuoChongMin before.


罗崇敏: LuoChongMin:谢谢,各位网友好。

thank you,Your friendly and.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:今天因为主题是向教育提问,想问一下您对教育疑惑是什么?

Because today is the theme to education question,Want to ask you to education doubt is what?


罗崇敏(国家督学,云南省人民政府参事,原云南省教育厅厅长): LuoChongMin(National school inspector,People's government of yunnan province to attach,The original of yunnan provincial department director):我最关注的教育话题是教育公平问题,教育质量问题,和教育改革问题。这样说可能很宏观,但是具体讲首先是教育的公平问题,教育的公平最核心的是教育规则公平,我们制定的教育政策、教育法律法规必须要对每个中国公民赋予他公平的权利。

My greatest concern education topic is education fairness,Education quality problem,And education reform.That may be very macro,But the specific speak first is education fair question,Education fair is the core of education fair regulation,We have formulated the education policy/Education laws and regulations must be to every Chinese citizen gives him the right to fair.


Such as compulsory education stage to make each school-age children have a fair chance to go to school,Such as the university entrance exam to make each school-age youth can have a fair chance to test.This is the problem of education fairness.


The second is the education quality problem,The core of quality education,Is the student free and overall development and the realization of the goal.It means that we students really comprehensive development of virtue, wisdom, body, beauty,But now our education quality objectives and what we take education means way is conflicting.For example we cultivate virtue, wisdom, body, beauty is the comprehensive development of high-quality personnel and qualified citizen,But we are learning content choice,And education evaluation,And the goal is relatively set up.We use a piece of paper,A test instead of the students' learning quality,The quality of school management,To evaluate the quality of teachers,This is obviously wrong.Especially now our students,One day two back by tapping a technique,Back the teaching material,Back by revising the,Specialize in test of arts,Such study content and we require virtue, wisdom, body, beauty of all-round development goal is relatively set up,So we must reform our evaluation method,To reform our teaching content.


To reform our teaching methods,Especially to overall strengthening of the democratic management of the school/Scientific management,Management according to the laws of the.Improve our management level,To improve our management quality,So that to improve the quality of our whole education,Pre-school education/Compulsory education/High school education/Vocational education/Higher education/Lifelong education/Special education/National education quality will improve.The improvement of the quality of education is a process,It is a system,Is also a target.The improvement of the quality of education is to say all this to catch,Each learning stage are going to catch.


In addition must from kindergarten to college system to grasp,So to improve our education quality,Can only cultivate qualified citizens,The basis of training talents.Of course I pay more attention to education reform,I always believe that only the system can,But the system can xingjiao,But the mechanism can xing school.That is our Chinese nation revival,The revitalization of China's education,Must system/As a fundamental guarantee system and mechanism,Because of this,We will deepen reform of the system of comprehensive education.So deepening education reform,The most core three system:


The first is the system reform,Vigorously develop the private education,Improve education ownership structure,I argue that it is not compulsory education school took third part way to private school,To private schools.Especially the university,As Beijing university,Tsinghua university,You can change it to a non-state-owned,Non public schools,What can't change.


The second to reform education management system,To change the policy now take on all things management concept and management mechanism,The government tube education first tube direction,The second tube planning,The third rely on intermediary organizations tube evaluation,The fourth pipe appropriation,Other don't tube.Given the schools run independently power,Of course, this school is running according to law,Especially the university,He is the subject of education,To be worthy of the powers to others/division,Fund raise right,Recruit students right,And scientific research power,The power will be assigned to a university.To really make the university became an independent school in accordance with the subject.To make the university comprehensive performance of his school micro management responsibilities,Make education department to perform medium management duties,Governments at all levels to fulfill the macro management education responsibility.This is the second reform.


The third to deepen the reform of the education evaluation system,Because education assessment is to education in the direction of a guide,Education is one of the directions.To change the education evaluation system,Like the United States that a school the authentication system,Evaluation of a school,Evaluate a student's result,His qualities to comprehensive evaluation.Not like now a piece of paper,A test to evaluate the students'.If can enter the school maths students evaluation that is an entirely misleading.To pass intermediary organizations,authoritative,To have authority in accordance with the intermediary organizations to evaluate school.School values,Managerial train of thought,Education method,Running conditions,Especially the individual students,Creative students,Students conduct evaluation,Parents of students' evaluation,Social to student's evaluation,The teacher education to the loyalty,The principal on the performance of the school management duties of comprehensive evaluation,Through such evaluation to determine the school belongs to which level quality school,Use quality way to make our parents and students decided to choose what kind of school.The student to the school inside,He completed his studies,He must be the overall quality improved,The development of individuation,Get creative.Such three aspects of reform.


So now I specific tell the most concern specific there are so few,A college entrance examination system reform,The second regional obligation education balanced development,The third education evaluation the authentication system sound.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:像您刚才说的评价体系改革,我看您之前说过建议取消全国的高考,但是也也很多人认为目前来说高考是最公平的选拔的评价手段,如果用评价体系会不会在这个过程中可能在实际操作,或者落实过程中产生一些新的不公。

As you said just now evaluation system reform,I see you said before to be the national college entrance examination,But also a lot of people think that at present, the college entrance examination is the most fair selection evaluation method,If you use evaluation system will in the process may be in the actual operation,Or implement process produce some new injustice.


罗崇敏(国家督学,云南省人民政府参事,原云南省教育厅厅长): LuoChongMin(National school inspector,People's government of yunnan province to attach,The original of yunnan provincial department director):不肯定我们高考评价手段跟我们的教育发展带来的积极作用,是没有良心的,但是没有认识到高考对我们教育的发展的阻碍也是没有良知的。高考表面上看是公平的,把复杂的教育过程,教育结果,教育行为通过一次高考,一个分数把它评价了,很简单。

Not sure we college entrance examination evaluation means with our education development to bring the positive role,There is no conscience,But don't realize the university entrance exam to our education development obstacle is no conscience.College entrance examination on the surface is fair,The complex education process,Education results,Education behavior through a college entrance examination,A score for the evaluation,Very simple.


On the surface looks very fair,In fact, deep into the investigation is absolutely not fair,Not fair shown in three aspects.The first,The things a test,Put a child 16 years of study to evaluate the.Fair??Not fair.The second,By a fraction to evaluate the characteristics of every child/ability/quality,Fair??Not fair.The third,Now the university entrance exam only for the city children,Against children in the countryside.On the surface you seems to equal the university entrance exam a score,But now takes an exam the education resources have to be focused in the city.There are several truly, truly, now under the county rural children admitted to Peking University/tsinghua,Almost no.At least is at or above the county level in high school,The worst is at or above the county level in high school.Occasionally there will be a two,Must be the most provincial capital,Beijing most,Provincial capital second,By high school.


After the change is fair?Justice is relative,Is not absolute.Justice is a legal system within the scope of the fair,We passed legislation to change the college entrance examination,Such as we test method,Test method specified in the national college entrance examination scores as one of the bases for admitted students,Not all.As evaluation the province,The school one of the quality,Not all.The second,The student three years high school grades for the authentication,The so-called the authentication is to make sure that it is true,As the basis of admitted to the second.The third put him to participate in social practice,His moral/quality,His practice,As the basis of admitted to the third.By these three conditions to admit a student,So admit a student must have do false,A false must have system to crack down on counterfeit goods.What can't?The republic of somebody else is doing,Afraid of what?Your system design to fair ah.Finally according to law by the school according to the rules of fair admitted students,The exam is an aspect,Autonomy is admitted in the university.


In the test method,Recruitment method specified college admissions rights and duties,If the violation of the law,No matter you are the headmaster,Have to admit professor punish according to law,Why not to do?As we all know the problem,All that talk about the problem,But will not take measures.All the people in the flicker,On the surface seems to speak,All is for the people,Is to do the people's education.But the fact is that the people's education and fair also are not protected.We need to reflect on,Of course in the reflection or two words,Negative our education achievement is no conscience,But see education problems is no conscience.Should see opportunity,See the development,Also want to see the crisis,See the difficulty.


搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:聊过这么深刻的改革话题,想问一个轻松一点的话题,我听说您现在在学英语,是吗?

Talked so profound reform topics,Want to ask a relaxing topic,I heard that you are studying English,Is it?


罗崇敏(国家督学,云南省人民政府参事,原云南省教育厅厅长): LuoChongMin(National school inspector,People's government of yunnan province to attach,The original of yunnan provincial department director):是。



搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:这个是为什么?

This is why?


罗崇敏(国家督学,云南省人民政府参事,原云南省教育厅厅长): LuoChongMin(National school inspector,People's government of yunnan province to attach,The original of yunnan provincial department director):非常遗憾,因为我原来成不了世界公民,我今后努力成为世界公民,我不可能对英语的学习有很高的期望值,但是我还是通过英语的学习来陶冶一下做世界公民的情操。

Very sorry,Because I had become a citizen of the world,I'm trying to be a citizen of the world in the future,I can't to English learning has high expectations,But I still through the English learning to cultivate the citizen of the world do the sentiment.
