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被拐儿童:认养遇尴尬 爱心助新生--亲稳网络舆情监测室


    被拐儿童:认养遇尴尬 爱心助新生


    1月24日,中华社会救助基金会下设的微博打拐公益基金工作人员与晋江边防民警一同为被拐儿童江紫萱(左二)和江秉义(右一)示范学习用品的使用方法。 January 24,,The social assistance foundation under the micro bo DaGuai public welfare fund staff and jinjiang border police to be together and JiangZiXuan children(Left two)And JiangBingYi(right)Demonstration study supplies method of use.


    当日,中华社会救助基金会下设的微博打拐公益基金工作人员和社会各界爱心人士来到福建晋江市育婴院进行慰问看望被拐卖儿童公益活动。连日来,寄养在福建晋江市育婴院里的24名被拐卖儿童受到社会各界的广泛关注。由于这24名孩子并非弃婴,也不是无监护人的婴儿,因此在法律上一直无法办理认养手续,孩子们重新找回家庭温暖陷入尴尬状况。调查中记者发现,虽然晋江育婴院有着较好的物质条件,但孩子们最需要的是来自父母的爱。 the,The social assistance foundation under the micro bo DaGuai public welfare fund staff and the social from all walks of life love people came to fujian jinjiang baby farm to help see are trafficked children public welfare activities.For the last few days,Foster in fujian jinjiang nursery in 24 are trafficked children have wide attention of all social sectors.Because the 24 children not abandoned babies,Is not the baby guardian,So the law has been unable to deal with formalities of adoption,The children to rediscover the family warmth into the embarrassing situation.Survey found journalists,Although jinjiang baby farm has a good material conditions,But the children need most is the love from their parents.


    据民政部门介绍,一直以来,泉州民政部门每年都拨款近百万元用于孩子们的日常学习和生活。同时,社会各界开始爱心接力,希望能帮助孩子们早点找到亲生父母,实现回家过年的愿望。目前,公安部也正在同民政部协商,修改和细化现有规定,让被拐儿童能有一个稳定的“家”。新华社记者 魏培全 摄 According to the civil affairs departments is introduced,Has been,Quanzhou civil affairs department funds every year nearly $ten thousand for the children's daily study and life.At the same time,The social from all walks of life began to love relay,Hope I can help children to find their own parents,To realize the desire to return home for the New Year.At present,The ministry of public security is also with the ministry of civil affairs consultation,Modify and refining the existing provisions,Let the kidnapping children can have a stable"home".The xinhua news agency WeiPeiQuan perturbation


    被拐儿童:认养遇尴尬 爱心助新生


    1月24日,已经7岁的被拐儿童江怀仁(左)拿着爱心慰问礼物和学习用品。新华社记者 魏培全 摄 January 24,,Has the age of seven children JiangHuaiRen by turn(left)With a love gift sympathy and learning supplies.The xinhua news agency WeiPeiQuan perturbation
