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别让孩子在“家暴”阴影下成长!  7月15日晚,山东青岛,网友悼念跳楼自杀的13岁女孩。7月8日下午,一名13岁的女孩从青岛市一座商务楼的7层跳下身亡。这个名叫孙正雯的女孩自杀前留下三页遗书,称因为不堪忍受父母长期的家暴,决定结束自己的生命。CFP供图 July 15 late,Shandong Qingdao,Net friend mourning jumped off a building suicide 13 year old girls.July 8, afternoon,A 13-year-old girl from Qingdao a business floor of the seven layers of the jump down dead.This name was SunZhengWen girl before the suicide left three pages suicide note,Say because unbearable parents long-term domestic violence,Decided to end his own life.CFP for map


"Bodies found,The little girl on the tree,The whole body many place bruises."A case police said.


surprisingly,The murderer was her father.


In the middle of August this year,Six small as(alias)in"The Wolf dad"Father died after 6 hours corporal punishment.October 8,"The Wolf dad"Suspected crime of abuse was XingJu.


Let Beijing youth legal aid and research center(Hereinafter referred to as"center")Vice director ZhangXueMei is concerned,After years of minors' rights protection work,Similar case many.


In 2011,,Center for the past three years have media coverage of the 300 minor suffered domestic violence cases investigation.After a year,Research group was summed up again from January 2008 to June 2012 media coverage of the 429 minor suffered domestic violence cases,In the recently released[Minors have suffered domestic violence cases investigation analysis and study].


Research in,ZhangXueMei is a strong feelings:Minors suffered domestic violence is always difficult to control social problem,And malignant cases happen from time to tome.Particularly disquieting is,For minors suffered domestic violence strong concealment,This kind of case is far from get social enough attention.


案发地农村、城市比例趋平 Rural receipt/The city scale level off


Research shows that,Domestic violence cases source proportion appeared new changes,The countryside and in the cities of the same basic case proportion.In 429 cases,48.25% of the cases occurred in rural.


In general people the impression,Family violence occurs in the countryside.In 2011,,The agency the survey data show,Rural and non rural case occurred ratio were 55% and 45% respectively.But in recent years the proportion present continuous change.


According to ZhangXueMei introduced,The rural family the proportion is on the high side,Derived from the guardian education by the low level of traditional ideas and influence."Parents have the right to teach children,Discipline children others tube no this kind of concept in rural areas more entrenched.On the other hand also and rural abuse/Feudal superstition about,Such as "lead to girl's violence,For a lead to abandon/Sell girls or buying abducted and sold the boy, etc."


For the city percentages cases the cause of rising year by year,The report, the paper points out that:On the one hand city life pressure,Family conflicts aggravate lead to increased cases;On the other hand also and migrant workers into,Migrant children increase related.


Research shows that,single/After close family and flow/Left-behind children are more likely to become the victims of domestic violence.52.68% of cases occur in for population flow/Parents structure change, etc"Family problems".


"Family background change,Minors are more likely to be victims of domestic violence."ZhangXueMei said,"Family relations are not harmonious/Life pressure big/Family functions is not sound will become acute contradiction.This kind of case is a common characteristic,Parents and children will not as equal treatment object,But will be treated as a punching bag/Vent one's resentment target or revenge tool."


"Parents personal and family problems domestic violence is the main factor."Center researchers WeiYanLi said.Research data shows,In 46 up selling children involved in the case,28 cases from parents also gambling debts/Whale in exchange for/Money for purposes such as waste,Rates as high as 60.87%.


受害人报案率不足2% The victim report a case to the security authorities rate less than 2%


During the months of survey,Research group found a a helpless phenomenon:Although many cases, minors to serious damage,Even the eighbourhood all understand domestic violence situation,However, from be suddenly and violently minors/Family members to grass-roots groups,Report a case to the security authorities little.


WeiYanLi think,generally,According to the family for the immature after the occurrence of violence,The victims due to family influence and personal ability limit,Rarely report a case to the security authorities.Research results show that,Choose report a case to the security authorities of the victim accounted for only 1.4% of the total number of statistics.2011 to June 2012 cases occur between,No more together by the storm by minors themselves of the report.


Not only the victim I choose"silence",Other family members/Village committee/Neighborhood committee is also commonly think"Discipline their children is a family internal affairs,General chose not to go to the police".Research data shows,Not violence party guardian and other family members report a case to the security authorities proportion although accounted for 33.8%,But mostly appeared the consequences are especially serious,Such as extreme killed/Rape or family trafficking cases.


"Relative to minors have suffered domestic violence in total,The relevant link researchers report a case to the security authorities rate is still very low."ZhangXueMei the truth.


The report says,because"Under the club a filial son"Traditional ideas, such as in public consciousness deeply rooted,Allows a lot of people recognized"Violence the son"rule,Think that parents have the power to beat and scold,Even think beat and scold/The corporal punishment, etc as no serious damage should belong to a reasonable range.


A report in written by members of the research group of pointed out,Village committee/Residents' committees as grass-roots groups,Should also responsible for the minors protection obligation,Family violence happened to have discouraged/Stop responsibility.But the statistics are found,Only the case is the village committee found that after the report.In the light of these minors by parents extreme violence killed or long-term cases,Village committee/Neighborhood committee did not discover in time fulfill the duties due,Even after the found also did not choose active report.


"The traditional cultural influence by society,Ordinary citizens/The public for minors have suffered domestic violence also often take tolerance or habitual attitude,The public is believed to discipline their children is a family internal affairs,Stranger inconvenience intervention."ZhangXueMei said.


Most people will understand the degree of violence for serious damage,So in the case of not cause serious consequences,Often no individual or organization report and intervention.ZhangXueMei said:"Old ideas/Report lack consciousness has become prevention/Stop and deal with minor suffered domestic violence in the practice of the first difficult problem."


Although the current this situation the overall situation is not optimistic,But there are still partial improvement.


Research found that,And minors in close contact with the staff and for minors to provide services of professional workers to violence report consciousness is gradually improving:neighbor/citizens/The villagers with minors may exist in close contact with the staff report a case to the security authorities accounted for 34.27%;Medical personnel/The teacher/reporter/Such as police for minors to provide services of professional workers report cases accounted for 10.03%."This is a minor suffered domestic violence forced the establishment of reporting system provides a practical basis."ZhangXueMei said.


“选择无视”等同放任暴力 "Choose to ignore"Equate indulge violence


Family violence mostly in caused serious consequences to concern,General of violent crime can long-term hidden.Research shows that,Case reports from the way of violence/The results/Times see,All belong to serious family violence or criminal case,The cause of death by storm minors 222,More than half of the total number of cases.


From the continuous time watching,17.72% of the minors' long-term repeatedly suffer violation,The longest up to 14 years;Only suffered a violation cases the most"Minors by storm lethal or abducted and sold".From the case the look of content,Violence means also mostly belong to the cruel means.


"Thus it can be seen,At present are especially serious minors have suffered domestic violence have cause social public attention,But general home for atrocities and has not appeared yet serious consequences case is more hidden,Still did not cause the public enough attention and public discussion."ZhangXueMei said.


The report says,According to the case and the person responsible processing way most simple,Except if the consequences are especially serious implementation of the punishment,The case of general lack of effective treatment.Minors have suffered domestic violence in death or especially serious consequences,Case to get judicial authority processing.


Data display,The person responsible be criminal detention shall be investigated for criminal responsibility or 240 cases,Accounted for 55.94%,Most of them are minors death case;Including 160 a physical violence cases,34 a sexual assault case/14 a deserted cases and 32 betray their children's case,These cases of death caused by minors with 147.


For this phenomenon,ZhangXueMei explanation is,At present our country to parents infringement minor legal rights case of accountability system is not sound/Non-penalization mode is simple,Lead to many abuse can not get effective education and punishment,To a certain extent, let the illegal and criminal behavior.


She, for example,In has not received shall be investigated for criminal 189 cases,Only 4 cases of serious violence by the parents of public security penalties,Were abandoned/Many abuse/Suicide with their children/Violence discipline four cases."Including a couple parents many take tongs cautery body/Penalty knelt nails and other methods to children violence,Caused serious damage,Plot bad."


Only 10 cases relative bad violence by the public security organ parents criticism education.10 cases,,There are a pair of my parents, because feel son is encumbrance and sell case/A force their child to beg and don't think children less money and facing the street violence cases,The other few also belong to persistent violence such as discipline has caused severe consequences case.


"A lot of media attention for a long time DaGuai/Sell children begging and other social problems,Actually these events are hidden behind how much the shadow of family violence."ZhangXueMei said.


ZhangXueMei Suggestions,To accelerate the legislation process,Come as soon as possible against domestic violence method.According to introducing,At present more than 120 countries in the world to family violence legislation,The formulating special legislation countries have more than 80.Our family violence against law has been listed as National People's Congress (NPC) 2012 legislative work plan.
