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    1月22日,工人们在进行钢轨病害修理。子夜,当大部分市民正在酣眠时,长吉城际铁路百余名线路工人已在各个作业点集结。此时已进入没有列车运行的“天窗时间”,工人们在零下20余度低温的条件下开始每天4小时的轨道检查、钢轨病害修理、补充道床石砟等工作。“春运马上就到了,为保证运输安全,我们今天的主要任务是根据近期检测的数据,对轨道进行精确的调整,使设备始终处于一个最好的状态。”31岁的线路工刘志伟告诉记者,“耳朵、手冻得起泡是常有的事,但是天再冷也得趴在钢轨上,跟钢轨近距离接触才能做到精确。”全长112.5公里、往返于长春与吉林两市的长吉城际铁路是我国高寒地区开通的第一条高速铁路。冬季里受低温冻害影响,轨道线路容易产生变化,如果不及时处理则有可能酿成事故,线路工们每晚的工作就是避免这种事故的发生。新华社记者 王昊飞 摄     On January 22,,The workers in the rail diseases repair.midnight,When most people are the HanMian,Long ji inter-city railway more than name line workers has set up a file in the various operating point rally.Now has entered the no train operation"Skylight time",The workers in more than twenty degrees below zero under the condition of low temperature start every 4 hours of track inspection/Rail diseases repair/Supplementary ballast bed stone frantic jumble, etc."The Spring Festival soon,In order to ensure transportation safety,Our today's main task is according to the recent detection data,The adjustment of the track accurately,Equipment is always in the best state."31 lineman LiuZhiWei told reporters,"ears/The cold hands blister is often the case,But days and cold have to lie prone on the rail,Close contact with rail to do precise."Total length of 112.5 km/Return to the city of changchun jilin two long ji inter-city railway is the cold area of the opening of the first high speed railway.In the winter by low temperature cold influence,To track changes,If not timely treatment is likely to accident,The wireman every night job is to avoid this kind of accident.The xinhua news agency WangHaoFei perturbation


1月22日,工人们在进行钢轨病害修理。新华社记者 王昊飞 摄 On January 22,,The workers in the rail diseases repair.The xinhua news agency WangHaoFei perturbation


1月22日,一名工人在进行轨道检查。新华社记者 王昊飞 摄 On January 22,,A worker in the track inspection.The xinhua news agency WangHaoFei perturbation


1月22日,工人刘志伟趴在钢轨上进行检查。新华社记者 王昊飞 摄 On January 22,,LiuZhiWei workers on rail on the check.The xinhua news agency WangHaoFei perturbation


1月22日,一名工人在操作轨道检查车。新华社记者 王昊飞 摄 On January 22,,A worker in operating track inspection car.The xinhua news agency WangHaoFei perturbation
