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下岗工人从蜜蜂嘴里“掏金豆”  8月17日,密云县高岭镇,“蜂王”李定顺(右一)在给蜂产品合作社的一名蜂农做讲解(上图)。技术人员正在李定顺的指导下测试蜂蜜中的糖分(下图)。 On August 17,,Miyun county town of kaolin,“queen”LiDingShun(right)In a bee bee products cooperative farmers do explain(the)。Engineers are LiDingShun test under the guidance of the sugar honey(the)。下岗工人从蜜蜂嘴里“掏金豆” 下岗工人从蜜蜂嘴里“掏金豆” 3 李定顺 年龄:45岁 职业:蜂产品合作社理事长 社区:北京市密云县鼓楼街道 3 LiDingShun age:45 years old vocational:Bee products of cooperative community:Beijing miyun county gulou street

  【德行录】 【Virtue record】


Eight years ago,Unemployment in LiDingShun stubborn temper,Organization and beekeepers bee products cooperatives established,Tried to“From the bee mouth dip gold beans”。Cooperation club more story,From the beginning of establishment of can't open market cause bee agriculture question,To let every last year average annual income growth of 18000 yuan,The bee taste blood in agriculture also factory,Established the independent brand...Because of the outstanding achievements,This year the ministry of agriculture awarded by the cooperative farmers' professional cooperatives demonstration club,LiDingShun was also the Beijing municipal government awarded as Beijing labor model。


Northeast of Beijing yanshan mountain,The miyun reservoir nourish Beijing。Reservoir edge mist diffuse,Mountains continuous。YiChaCha beekeepers in this land put the bee,harvest。Life is,Self-sufficient but also。


When the honey,YiLiangLiang car to the village,Bee farmers will sell fresh honey。Eyes stared at my sweetie、Golden honey kegs of draw away,But because no one unified scare up,Honey prices were cut to old low,Bee farmers pockets haven't drum up。


Eight years ago,Miyun a LiDingShun called the laid-off workers,Gradually into bee farming people field of vision。“I want to let farmers bee together,Let everyone rich。”now,He has come true。

  下岗工人盯上蜜蜂 Laid-off workers are the bees


August 17 afternoon 1,Miyun county town of kaolinite will village,The sun。58 years old bee agriculture HuFuHua two eyes a narrowed,Half against in board killing time。“LaoHu”,Outside the door LiDingShun came a voice call,HuFuHua a wheel climb up,And LiDingShun discusses the bee farmers this year's training problems。One afternoon,LiDingShun received more than 20 business telephone,HuFuHua joked,“You break it,Honey to sell a few jins less,Don't blame you。”


As a bee products of cooperatives of LiDingShun was up town of supply a worker,Eight years ago laid-off,Changed his life path。After fluctuating,He will focus on the supply of bees fly over the buzz on。“Backer has mountain,Draft relying on water,Rely on bees have honey to eat”。Stubborn temper he and other several laid-off colleagues chime in easily,Decided to set up a joint cooperative bee products。

  四次求情打赢首战 Four times a game to win


Persuaded the miyun county library north area and beekeepers to join,In April 2004,After several financing,Cooperatives established。But poverty and blankness。July,Cooperatives 34 beekeepers harvested the total of 80 tons of honey。How will the 80 tons of honey sell out,Become cooperatives face the exam。


LiDingShun in supply by when saved human resources,Try to contact a Beijing famous honey products company。In supply from the work of the buyer to the seller established cooperative,Let him a little does not adapt,“Now is I ask the somebody else。”


Bee farming people see LiDingShun continuous to bee products company for three times feeling,Is still not sell a catty of honey,Once frustrated。“Cooperatives hard,As well quit。”


In order to“defend”cooperatives,LiDingShun again the nerve to sell honey。“Even if the less,Look at our honey quality”,Stubborn temper LiDingShun intercede for the fourth time after the success。The company acquired cooperatives 20 tons of honey。For honey quality,soon,Bee products company and the acquisition of 40 tons,Plus scattered sold,By the end of December,80 tons of honey all sold。The first battle first blood。34 beekeepers heart stable。

  拉蜂农建厂打品牌 La bee farmers plant play brand


“The za cooperative honey not adulterate”,Although cooperatives struggling early,But LiDingShun by good credit moved a Beijing bee products company,Acquisition of each year 500 tons of honey。


“Cooperative LiShunDing have two brush,The honey fetch,Quickly and well”,This once in miyun bee between farmers from generation to generation,Bee farmers have flocked to join,Now the cooperative has 430 households,Bee keeping 56000 group,Accounted for 80% of the miyun county beekeeping quantity。


With the increase of the cooperative beekeeping group,LiDing soothing hundreds of bees in the agriculture itchy,“I always can't have been to provide raw materials, bee products company,I have to have their own brand,Factory to。So everyone's money to fix。”


In 2007,,Factory planning、Introduce equipment,No money,Bees are farmers take money to invest。soon,Members invest 1.5782 million yuan。The most let LiDingShun touched that cooperatives when the factory,A lot of bee agriculture open agricultural vehicles to cooperatives,Plank a car stones or sand,“The farmers are bees from the village to pull,Say for cooperative stone factory。”


now,Factory has been built 5 years。Bee farmers wallet drum,LiDingShun one more“God of fortune”title。Last year,Cooperative average household income 18000 yuan。Always a face of serious、Won't wisecracking LiDingShun said,He won't be satisfied with this number。

  【大家问】 【Everyone ask】


Rich expert I have confidence


citizens:Do you think you are rich expert?


LiDingShun:Eight years ago I had been laid off,Once confused,I always think rural vast heaven and earth。Then find the bee products project sink did。At present I am not worthy to get rich expert,But I have confidence。


His wife:8 years you temper how more and more big?


LiDingShun:I'm sorry。8 years I pressure is not small,Carrying bee farming people's great trust...Often be wronged。Sales it bad dry,On the outside is out,Back home...


Solicitation standard


2012 the Beijing news the sixth moved community character selection activities covered citizens example,Can be a person、Community enterprise representatives,Also can be two new organization(New economic(310358,Fund it)Organization and new social organizations)、NGO and other social groups。


They can actively into the city management,For the development of the city and improve and contribute,Is moral、Enthusiastic about public welfare、Love city、A caring community、Caring for others of individuals and groups。


Any candidate census register and nationality,But life and events must be in Beijing。


Participation way


Telephone recommend:


Before the end of December 2012,Public can call solicitation hotline at 67106710 or recommended candidates recommendation。


Email recommend:


Can send candidate material to: xjbgandong@126.com

  本版采写 新京报记者 申志民

This concludes the Beijing news reporter ShenZhiMin

  本版摄影新京报实习生 李雨

This new Beijing news photography LiYu interns
