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    1月29日,在贵州黔西南州兴义机场,陈顺付(前)和妻子从飞机上走下。 On January 29,,In guizhou QianXiNaZhou XingYi airport,ChenShunFu(before)And his wife from the plane went down.陈顺付,29岁,贵州兴义籍农民工,与妻子姚敏一起在江苏南通一建筑工地上打工。往年他的回家线路是这样的:彻夜排队购票,乘坐32小时的火车到达贵州黔西南州兴义市,再从兴义市转乘客车到达安龙县,随后从安龙县乘小巴到达平乐乡朗元村,下车后再行走20余分钟,才可以回到家中。如果一切顺利的话,从开始筹备到最终回到家中,需要三天时间。 ChenShunFu,29 years old,Guizhou XingYi by migrant workers,And his wife YaoMin together in jiangsu nantong a work on the construction site.In previous years his home line is this:All night in line to buy tickets,32 hours on the train to guizhou QianXiNaZhou XingYiShi,And from XingYiShi transfer bus to AnLong county,Then from AnLong county by minibus to flat music township lang yuan village,To get off to walk again after more than twenty minutes,Can back to home.If all goes well,From the beginning to the end for home,Need three days time.而今年,陈顺付在一天之内,走完了两千多公里的回家路。 This year,ChenShunFu in one day,Covered more than two thousand kilometers of road home.

       1月29日上午,贵州黔西南州兴义机场兴义至上海直飞航线正式开通,96名兴义当地的农民工在政府的补助下,乘坐航线开通后的首次航班回到了故乡。为让农民工返乡之路更便利、更省钱,贵州黔西南州政府在春运期间通过政府补助的方式帮助农民工购买特价机票,方便农民工返乡。在春运期间,农民工和大学生购买兴义至北京、兴义至上海两个航线的往返机票都将享受2折的票价优惠。 January 29th morning,Guizhou QianXiNaZhou XingYi airport to Shanghai XingYi direct route the official opening,96 XingYi local peasant workers in the government for,Take route opened for the first time after the flight back to hometown.In order to let the migrant workers return home road more convenient/More money,Guizhou QianXiNaZhou government in the Spring Festival period through the government subsidy way to help migrant workers to buy tickets on sale,Convenient migrant workers return home.During the Spring Festival in,Migrant workers and college students' purchasing XingYi to Beijing/XingYi to Shanghai two route round trip tickets will enjoy 2 fold preferential prices. 

 陈顺付夫妇便是这96名农民工中的两位。 ChenShunFu couple is that two of the 96 migrant workers.

    从南通乘车至上海乘机,下机后马不停蹄地转车、步行,下午三点多回到家中。     From nantong ride to Shanghai seize the opportunity,After the plane on the turntable/walk,Many home at three o 'clock in the afternoon.陈顺付家中有两个老人和一对正在读小学的儿女。离家还有五百多米时,陈顺付的儿子和女儿已经飞奔出门,迎接爸爸妈妈的到来。 ChenShunFu home have two old man and a pair of reading primary school children.There are more than five hundred meters away from home,ChenShunFu son and daughter has run out,To meet the arrival of mom and dad.“别说两天,就算能提前两分钟、两秒钟见到家人,我也已经心满意足。”回顾这一整天紧张的回家路,陈顺付说,“感觉就像做梦一样不真实”。新华社记者 欧东衢 摄  "Don't say two days,Even if can give two minutes/Two seconds to see his family,I also have been satisfied."Review the whole day of nervous way home,ChenShunFu said,"It felt like a dream the same is not true".Xinhua news agency reporter Europe east qu perturbation 




    1月29日,陈顺付(右)和妻子在路边吃盒饭,准备转乘客车回家。新华社记者 欧东衢 摄 On January 29,,ChenShunFu(right)And his wife on the roadside eating lunch box,Ready to transfer to a bus home.Xinhua news agency reporter Europe east qu perturbation




     1月29日,陈顺付夫妇与迎接自己的儿女一起回家。新华社记者 欧东衢 摄  On January 29,,ChenShunFu couples and meet their children go home together.Xinhua news agency reporter Europe east qu perturbation




     1月29日,回到家中的陈顺付和妻子一起帮老人试穿为他们购买的过年穿的新装。  On January 29,,Back to the home ChenShunFu and his wife together to try to help the old man they buy the New Year's day wear new clothes.新华社记者 欧东衢 摄  Xinhua news agency reporter Europe east qu perturbation 
