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         蛇年春节到来之际,中共中央总书记、中共中央军委主席习近平2月2日至5日来到甘肃,看望慰问各族干部群众,并向全国各族人民表达美好的新春祝福。2月3日,习近平在定西市渭源县引洮供水工程工地考察。新华社记者红光 The year of snake the arrival of the Spring Festival,General secretary of the central committee of the communist party/The chairman of the central military commission xi jinping on February 2 to 5 days to gansu,The cadres and the masses of all ethnic groups to visit,And the people of all ethnic groups to express good New Year blessing.On February 3,,Xi jinping in dingxi area during WeiYuanXian lead the taohe water supply project site investigation.The xinhua news agency LanGongGuang perturbation


         蛇年春节到来之际,中共中央总书记、中共中央军委主席习近平2月2日至5日来到甘肃,看望慰问各族干部群众,并向全国各族人民表达美好的新春祝福。2月3日,习近平来到定西市渭源县田家河乡元古堆村困难老党员马岗(左二)家中看望。新华社记者 兰红光 摄 The year of snake the arrival of the Spring Festival,General secretary of the central committee of the communist party/The chairman of the central military commission xi jinping on February 2 to 5 days to gansu,The cadres and the masses of all ethnic groups to visit,And the people of all ethnic groups to express good New Year blessing.On February 3,,Xi jinping came to dingxi area during WeiYuanXian TianGuHe township yuan of ancient village difficult MaGang members(Left two)Home visit.The xinhua news agency LanGongGuang perturbation


         蛇年春节到来之际,中共中央总书记、中共中央军委主席习近平2月2日至5日来到甘肃,看望慰问各族干部群众,并向全国各族人民表达美好的新春祝福。2月3日,习近平来到定西市渭源县田家河乡元古堆村看望乡亲们。这是习近平与一名小女孩亲切交谈。新华社记者 兰红光 摄 The year of snake the arrival of the Spring Festival,General secretary of the central committee of the communist party/The chairman of the central military commission xi jinping on February 2 to 5 days to gansu,The cadres and the masses of all ethnic groups to visit,And the people of all ethnic groups to express good New Year blessing.On February 3,,Xi jinping came to dingxi area during WeiYuanXian TianGuHe township yuan of ancient village see folks.This is xi jinping and a little girl hobnob.The xinhua news agency LanGongGuang perturbation


    2月3日,习近平来到东乡族自治县布愣沟村困难群众马麦志家中看望,并给马麦志的两个儿子带来了学习用品。新华社记者 兰红光 摄     On February 3,,Xi jinping came to been autonomous county cloth leng groove village difficult people MaMaiZhi home visit,And the two sons of MaMaiZhi brought school supplies.The xinhua news agency LanGongGuang perturbation


    2月3日,习近平在定西市渭源县引洮供水工程工地考察。新华社记者 兰红光 摄     On February 3,,Xi jinping in dingxi area during WeiYuanXian lead the taohe water supply project site investigation.The xinhua news agency LanGongGuang perturbation


    2月3日,习近平来到东乡族自治县布愣沟村看望乡亲们。新华社记者 兰红光 摄     On February 3,,Xi jinping came to been autonomous county cloth leng groove village see folks.The xinhua news agency LanGongGuang perturbation


    2月3日,习近平来到东乡族自治县布愣沟村看望乡亲们。新华社记者 兰红光 摄     On February 3,,Xi jinping came to been autonomous county cloth leng groove village see folks.The xinhua news agency LanGongGuang perturbation


    2月4日,习近平在兰州市城关区五泉菜市场考察时与前来买菜的居民亲切交谈。新华社记者 兰红光 摄     February 4,,Xi jinping in lanzhou ChengGuanOu WuQuan markets to buy food with investigation of the residents hobnob.The xinhua news agency LanGongGuang perturbation


    2月4日,习近平在兰州市七里河区西湖街道考察“民情流水线”工程时,向社区工作人员了解创新社会管理、加强基层党组织建设等情况。新华社记者 兰红光 摄     February 4,,Xi jinping qilihe district of lanzhou city in the west lake on the street"National conditions line"project,To the community work personnel to understand the social management innovation/Strengthening primary party organization construction, etc.The xinhua news agency LanGongGuang perturbation


    2月4日,习近平在兰州市七里河区西湖街道考察时,与社区居民亲切握手。新华社记者 兰红光 摄     February 4,,Xi jinping qilihe district of lanzhou city in the west lake was on the street,And community residents affectionately shake hands.The xinhua news agency LanGongGuang perturbation


    2月3日,习近平在东乡族自治县布愣沟村看望乡亲们。新华社记者 兰红光 摄     On February 3,,Xi jinping in been autonomous county cloth leng groove village see folks.The xinhua news agency LanGongGuang perturbation
