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       2月12日,在福州马尾客运旅检大厅,边检警官(右一)为旅客们送上小红灯笼。当日是大年初三,“两马”航线共验放169名出入境旅客,迎来春运客流的小高峰。据福州边检站介绍,春运期间,“两马”航线客流量比平常上升50%,为应对客流量激增,福州边检站通过警务微博发布天气、出行和乘船提示,并推出“母婴快速通道”“特殊人员免排引导”等服务,确保返乡旅客及时通关。“两马”客运航线2013年春运时间为1月26日至3月6日,共40天。新华社记者魏培全摄 February 12,In fuzhou horsetail passenger LvJian hall,The immigration police(right)For the passengers to small red lantern.The third is the biggest,"Two horses"A total of 169 course upon entry and exit passenger,Spring Festival transportation in the small peak.According to the fuzhou BianJianZhan is introduced,During the Spring Festival,"Two horses"Airline passenger volume increased by 50% than usual,In response to the passenger flow surge,Fuzhou BianJianZhan through the police micro bo issued the weather/Travel and take a boat tips,And introduction of"Maternal and child fast channel""Special personnel from platoon guide"services,To ensure that the passengers timely customs clearance."Two horses"Passenger route travel time in 2013 to January 26, to March 6,,Forty days were.The xinhua news agency WeiPeiQuan perturbation


    2月12日,在福州马尾客运码头,边检警官为旅客推行李。     February 12,In fuzhou horsetail ferry terminal,The immigration officer for the passenger baggage push.新华社记者魏培全摄 The xinhua news agency WeiPeiQuan perturbation


    2月12日,在福州马尾客运旅检通道,边检警官在验放出境旅客。     February 12,In fuzhou horsetail passenger LvJian channel,The immigration officer shall outbound tourist.新华社记者魏培全摄 The xinhua news agency WeiPeiQuan perturbation


    2月12日,在福州马尾客运码头,旅客们准备登上“金龙”号客轮。     February 12,In fuzhou horsetail ferry terminal,The passengers boarded the preparation"jinlong"Number liner.新华社记者魏培全摄 The xinhua news agency WeiPeiQuan perturbation


    2月12日,执行2013年“两马”航线春运任务的“金龙”号客轮载着79名旅客离开马尾码头,准备驶往台湾马祖。     February 12,Executive 2013 years"Two horses"The task of travel route"jinlong"No passenger ship carrying 79 passengers leave horsetail wharf,Prepare to Taiwan matsu.新华社记者魏培全摄 The xinhua news agency WeiPeiQuan perturbation
