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福州大学博士因小师妹痛经攻克痛经难题(图) 福州大学生物工程研究所大楼挂出横幅 Fuzhou university biological engineering institute building banner hang out 福州大学博士因小师妹痛经攻克痛经难题(图) 福大学子在实验室里研制出的治疗痛经的药膏 Crawford students in the laboratory developed the treatment of dysmenorrhea ointment 福州大学博士因小师妹痛经攻克痛经难题(图) 药膏涂抹在女性脚踝附近中医中所讲“三阴交”位置 Daub ointment in women near ankle Chinese traditional medicine in speak"Three Yin chiao"position

  福州新闻网讯 “祝贺福大生工所攻克痛经难题。”11日,福州大学生物工程研究所大楼上挂出一条幅在微博上火了。不少网友说,福大研究的是“最有爱的课题”,也有人好奇,这个难题是怎么攻克的,有用吗?11日,记者来到了福州大学生物工程研究所一探究竟。

Fuzhou news network - "Congratulations on ShengGong crawford which conquer dysmenorrhea problem."11,Fuzhou university biological engineering institute building hang out a continuous strip in micro bo yeet hay.Not a few net friend said,Crawford is research"The most love topic",Some curious,The problem is how to conquer,Useful??11,Reporters came to the fuzhou university institute of biological engineering in beitou.


ShengGong crawford of dr. KeLiJing received reporter."This is our subject,We just in research accidentally discovered can alleviate dysmenorrhea method,After a summer of experiment,Effect is good,The banners and we are some counterparts do exchange of hung up."Ko doctor told reporters,Research is mainly GuoJingKe doctor doing.


"Dr. I during the main direction is bioelectricity,At present has been studied six years."In the face of the reporter,Said dr GuoJingKe,Although bioelectricity in domestic is new things,But in foreign countries have a mature theory and application,Bioelectricity is widely applied to the treatment of pneumonia/Allergic rhinitis in.GuoJingKe smile said,"Research bioelectricity time long,and‘Skilled and magical craftsmanship’as,Now my eyes,The human body is like a computer and other electrical appliances as,Are blocks of circuit board,If the electronic components bad contact or short circuit,The body will appear unpleasant situation".Guo, says dr,Many people get sick are due to the body power imbalance,If the extra conductance out,Or use healthy life style gradually make the body power balance,Can keep healthy.


Dr guo told reporters,Treatment of dysmenorrhea and not his own research field,The reason is relationshiop between,Because laboratory little teacher younger sister small wong."In June,Little wang because dysmenorrhea in the lab faint,We several big man was terrified out of my wits,The back I think dysmenorrhea is due to the body electric balance is destroyed,In the research of traditional Chinese medicine direction under the guidance of colleagues,We use the lab massage auxiliary massage small wong's ankle,Traditional Chinese medicine is also speak three Yin into position,She actually changed for the better."Dr guo introduced,Massage additives are used to export surplus body of bioelectric,Unexpectedly in the treatment of dysmenorrhea have effect,A real"Dysmenorrhea paste".


Little wang embarrassedly is introduced,She is primary dysmenorrhea,Start from a,Every month to go through something so difficult for a few days."Pain up will always fall in a faint,Sometimes the Finn will be no use,For this also played DuLengDing.This more than ten years to see through the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine/Western medicine,Various technique is done is useless.Since the massage several times after,Dysmenorrhea situation basic disappeared."Small wong said.


This summer,Not a few net friend through the micro bo find small wong and remove the dysmenorrhea"Silver bullet",She also took"Dysmenorrhea paste"To many girls massage,Do several times after we all have different degrees of better,"Massage additives can be derived body electric garbage,Much better than the effect of the acupuncture".


Said dr guo,Generally speaking,Their research subject from the theory put forward,To modeling,To produce the products,For many years.The accident found"Dysmenorrhea paste"And help a lot of girls,Although not a formal subject,But also let everybody have a sense of accomplishment.Dr guo, also special entrust fuzhou a cosmetic company produces some trial outfit,Also opened a call"Dysmenorrhea pain"Micro bo,Many girls provides trial,In the above unriddling."Perhaps in the eyes of others we are a little fool along,But this let us boring research life with many colors."Dr guo said with a smile.



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