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    党的十八大开过之后,新的领导集体在总书记习近平的领导下,有了不少让人耳目一新的举措,特别是下功夫改变了工作作风。轻车简从,压缩会期;文件短了,简报少了;开会少了照本宣科念稿子,对领导人新闻的报道简化了。一股新风传来,大家拍手叫好。  The party's eighteen big after opening,The new collective leadership under the leadership of the general secretary xi jinping,Have a lot of let a person find everything fresh and new measures,Work hard, especially change the style of work.Arrive without pomp,Compression session;File short,Briefing less;The meeting less scripted read draft,To simplify the leaders news reports.A stream of fresh air came,Everybody clap.

    在官僚主义、形式主义泛滥的情况下,理应刹一刹车,下决心治一治。但是,凡事都要防止一种倾向掩盖另一种倾向。在大力改变作风的时候也要注意另一种倾向,这就是在简化形式的同时,工作质量的下降。     In the bureaucracy/Under the condition of flood formalism,Should brake a brake,Determined to a cure.but,All things are to prevent a tendency to cover up another tendency.To change the style also should pay attention to the other a tendency,This is the simplified form at the same time,A drop in the quality of work.

    比如,有的领导上台宣布不念稿子,将稿子一搁却说不出所以然,甚至信口开河,跑离会议主题;有的会议不管内容重要与否,一味压缩会期,本该认真研究的讨论发言,每人限三分钟,蜻蜓点水都不及;精简文件,不管内容如何、重要程度,不问青红皂白,统一压缩一半。     Such as,Some leadership go on stage to announce don't read draft,Will draft a shelf said a torrent,Even loosen up,Run away from the conference theme;Some meeting no matter content important or not,Blindly compression session,Should have a careful study of the discussion to speak,Three minutes per person,Dragonfly to water;Lean file,No matter how content/Important degree,Without forethought,Uniform compression half.

    这样,从表面上看,形式简化了,但内容却往往稀释了。以形式主义反对形式主义是最省力气的事,而且是另一种形式的形式主义。这种简单化的反对形式主义,伴随着工作中的随意性,降低了工作质量。背后却是不负责任,甚至是懒政、怠政。新华社发 吴元 作     this,On the surface,Form simplified,But the content is often the dilution.To formalism oppose formalism is the most laborsaving things,And it is another form of formalism.The simplification of oppose formalism,With the optional work,Reduce the quality of work.Behind it is irresponsible,Even lazy government/Idle political.The xinhua news agency hair wu yuan for
