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北京再发霾预警 元宵节鞭炮声仍不绝于耳--亲稳舆论引导监测室

北京再发霾预警 元宵节鞭炮声仍不绝于耳


    2月24日晚北京东三环双井桥附近一名男子点燃爆竹后在一旁躲避。北京市气象台24日元宵节下午发布霾黄色预警信号,并建议少放烟花爆竹,但大街小巷的鞭炮声仍不绝于耳,不少地区空气中都可闻到刺鼻的味道。 截至当日17时的数据显示,北京市35个监测站中有26个空气质量级别达到5级“重度污染”或6级“严重污染”,9个站点PM2.5小时浓度超过300微克/立方米。新华社记者晓光 On February 24 late,Beijing section of the double well bridge near a man after a firecracker in from one side.The Beijing meteorological observatory 24 Lantern Festival afternoon release haze yellow warning signal,And Suggestions put less fireworks and crackers,But the streets are still fireworks sound can be heard,In some areas the air can smell pungent taste. By day and the data display,Beijing 35 monitoring station has 26 air quality level to level 5"Severe pollution"Or level 6"Serious pollution",Nine site PM2.5 hour concentration more than 300 micrograms per cubic meter.The xinhua news agency LuoXiaoGuang perturbation

北京再发霾预警 元宵节鞭炮声仍不绝于耳


    2月24日晚,北京东三环一小区外,一名行人用围巾捂住口鼻,以躲避路旁燃放烟花产生的烟雾。新华社记者 罗晓光 摄 On February 24 late,A small section of the Beijing area,A pedestrian cover your mouth/nose with the scarf,To avoid the road to set off fireworks and produce smoke.The xinhua news agency LuoXiaoGuang perturbation

北京再发霾预警 元宵节鞭炮声仍不绝于耳


    2月24日晚,烟花在雾霾笼罩的北京东三环绽放。新华社记者 罗晓光 摄 On February 24 late,The fireworks in the fog haze shrouded Beijing section of the bloom.The xinhua news agency LuoXiaoGuang perturbation
