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2月23日,磐安玉山镇的百姓抬着亭阁花灯来到玉山古茶场,参加“春社”赶茶场的传统民俗活动。玉山镇亭阁花灯,源于宋代,是“板凳龙”的一种,由于花灯有3层,形似亭阁,因此被称为亭阁花灯。玉山古茶场位于浙江省磐安县玉山镇,2006年被国务院批准列入第六批全国重点文物保护单位名单。玉山古茶场始建于宋代,分为茶场庙、茶场交易用房、茶场3大部分,是一个集茶叶生产、交易及茶文化内涵于一体的茶场遗址。玉山古茶场在茶叶交易的过程中,逐步形成了以茶为中心的重要聚会——“春社”和“秋社”,当地茶农来到茶场,祭拜茶神,并在茶场内举行观社戏、挂灯笼、迎龙灯、竖大旗等民俗文化活动。其中“春社”赶茶场时间为农历正月十四、十五、十六3天,与元宵节合二为一,包括“祭茶神”“迎龙灯”“挂灯笼”等民俗活动。新华社记者 徐昱摄 On February 23,,Panan yushan town people carried lanterns pavilions to esb ancient tea plantation,to"Spring club"The traditional folk custom drive tea plantation.Yushan town pavilions lanterns,From song dynasty,is"Bench dragon"a,Because there are three layer lanterns,Like pavilions,So called pavilions lanterns.Mt. Jade ancient tea garden is located in yushan town of panan county of zhejiang province,In 2006, approved by the state council on the sixth batch of national key units of cultural relics protection list.Mt. Jade ancient tea plantation was built in the song dynasty,Divided into tea garden temple/Tea plantation trading houses/Tea plantation 3 most,Is a collection of tea production/Trade and tea culture connotation in one of the tea plantation site.Mt. Jade ancient tea plantation in the tea trade process,Gradually formed a tea as the center of the important party --"Spring club"and"Autumn club",The local tea farmer came to tea plantation,Worship god tea,And in the tea garden SheXi held view/lantern/Meet dragon lantern/A vertical and folk cultural activities.the"Spring club"Drive for the Chinese tea time on the fourteenth/15/16 3 days,And the Lantern Festival together,including"Offering tea god""Meet dragon lantern""lantern"Folk activities, such as.Xinhua news agency reporter xu yu perturbation
2月23日,磐安玉山镇的百姓在玉山古茶场舞起当地特色的亭阁花灯,参加“春社”赶茶场的传统民俗活动。新华社记者 徐昱摄 On February 23,,Panan yushan town people in the esb ancient tea plantation dance on the local characteristics of pavilions lanterns,to"Spring club"The traditional folk custom drive tea plantation.Xinhua news agency reporter xu yu perturbation
2月23日,磐安玉山镇的百姓抬着亭阁花灯来到玉山古茶场,参加“春社”赶茶场的传统民俗活动。新华社记者 徐昱摄 On February 23,,Panan yushan town people carried lanterns pavilions to esb ancient tea plantation,to"Spring club"The traditional folk custom drive tea plantation.Xinhua news agency reporter xu yu perturbation
2月23日,磐安玉山镇的百姓抬着花灯的笼头来到玉山古茶场的茶神庙,举行祭拜仪式,祈求来年风调雨顺、五谷丰登。新华社记者 徐昱摄 On February 23,,Panan yushan town people carrying lanterns bridle to esb ancient tea tea temple,Worship ceremony held,The good crop weather to pray for the coming year/A bumper grain harvest.Xinhua news agency reporter xu yu perturbation
2月23日,磐安玉山镇的百姓抬着花灯的笼头来到玉山古茶场的茶神庙,举行祭拜仪式,祈求来年风调雨顺、五谷丰登。新华社记者 徐昱摄 On February 23,,Panan yushan town people carrying lanterns bridle to esb ancient tea tea temple,Worship ceremony held,The good crop weather to pray for the coming year/A bumper grain harvest.Xinhua news agency reporter xu yu perturbation
2月23日,磐安玉山镇的特色亭阁花灯排列整齐,准备参加赶茶场活动。新华社记者 徐昱摄 On February 23,,Panan yushan town features pavilions lanterns in alignment,Prepare to catch tea plantation activities.Xinhua news agency reporter xu yu perturbation
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