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    2月24日,警用直升机在G60沪昆高速枫泾收费口上空巡逻。当日,上海警方出动警务直升机执行空中巡逻和地面查堵联动,对违章车辆实施空中即时取证,由地面执法人员对违法车辆予以拦截。截至记者发稿时,巡查行动共查处3辆在高速公路违章停车的车辆。据悉,自2011年成立空中交警中队以来,上海空地联动已实现常态化巡逻机制,每逢重大节假日及出行高峰,都会加大巡查力度、加强交通管控,有力地打击了车辆违章行为。新华社记者 凡军 摄 On February 24,,Police helicopters in the G60 will be above the shanghai-kunming high-speed fengjing ShouFeiKou patrols.On the day,In Shanghai police, police helicopters perform air patrols and ground ZhaDu linkage,To violate the rules and regulations implementing real-time forensics air vehicle,Interception by law enforcement personnel to illegal ground vehicles.At press time,Search action has 3 in highway of parking vehicles.It is understood,Since it was founded in 2011 since the air squadron,Shanghai clearing linkage has been realized normalized patrol mechanism,Every major holidays and travel peak,Will intensify patrols/Strengthen traffic control,Effectively hit the vehicle traffic violations.The xinhua news agency reporters FanJun perturbation



    2月24日,两架警用直升机在执行空中巡逻。新华社记者 凡军 摄 On February 24,,Two police helicopters in the air patrol.The xinhua news agency reporters FanJun perturbation



    2月24日,空中交警在警用直升机内操控地面道路监控系统,实时抓拍违章车辆。新华社记者 凡军 摄 On February 24,,The air traffic control within the police helicopter ground road monitoring system,Real-time capturing peccancy vehicles.The xinhua news agency reporters FanJun perturbation



    2月24日,即将执行空中巡逻的警用直升机升空。新华社记者 凡军 摄 On February 24,,To perform the air patrol police helicopter.The xinhua news agency reporters FanJun perturbation
